A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Truong Nhu Tang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Vietcong Memoir: An Inside Account of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Truong Nhu Tang
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Tang ten days before Albert Thao attempted a coup on Khan's regime?
(a) He left the NLF for good.
(b) He refused to let Thao take refuge with him.
(c) He was sent to America as a diplomat.
(d) He was arrested.

2. What did Albert Thao believe about Diem's leadership in Vietnam?
(a) He was a puppet for the Americans.
(b) He was moving toward peaceful unification of north and south.
(c) Diem would hold fair elections in Vietnam.
(d) He was a strong, independent leader.

3. What was one of the main tenets of Tang's manifesto for the self-determination movement?
(a) Henry Cabot Lodge should resign from office.
(b) People living in villages would move to the mountains.
(c) America should not intervene in Vietnam.
(d) Ho Chi Minh would be allowed to lead North and South Vietnam.

4. What did Tang's father threaten to do in Chapter 3?
(a) Cut off Tang's funds.
(b) Stop sending him new clothing.
(c) Commit suicide out of shame.
(d) Restrict his passport.

5. What occurred on November 11, 1960?
(a) Diem's fears of a revolt were realized.
(b) Albert Thao was discovered to be a spy.
(c) Khiem refuseed to stop a revolt.
(d) Diem's brother, Nhu, was killed.

6. Which of the following was NOT an objective of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam?
(a) Bring in American advisers to help with the movement's actions.
(b) Overthrow the Diem regime.
(c) Build an independent economy.
(d) Bring unity to the different classes of people in the South.

7. Who was Tao Thao?
(a) A legendary king in China.
(b) A North Vietnamese general.
(c) A refugee from the South.
(d) An enemy of the alliance.

8. What prevented Tang from attending the First National Congress in 1962?
(a) He had an ulcer crisis.
(b) He was arrested.
(c) His connections were gone and he could not get there.
(d) There were no black pajamas available for him.

9. What group was Tang named as president of at the age of forty-three?
(a) The Vanguard Youth.
(b) The Youth Movement.
(c) Ho Chi Minh's Youth.
(d) Young People's Association of South Vietnam.

10. What form of torture did Tang endure in Chapter 10, causing great pain to his eyes?
(a) Electric shock.
(b) Constant head bashing.
(c) Bright lights directed into his face.
(d) Needles near his eyes.

11. What did Ho Chi Minh give Tang at the end of their afternoon tea together at Montmorency?
(a) An autographed photograph.
(b) A recital of Confucianist sayings.
(c) A teacup momento.
(d) A book of Vietnamese history.

12. What does "tin," a basic ethical principle in Confucianism, refer to?
(a) Loss of face.
(b) Faithfulness.
(c) Love.
(d) Humanity.

13. How did Tang meet his second wife?
(a) His father set them up together.
(b) A colleague introduced them.
(c) They had both joined the resistance.
(d) They met in the Cai Lay region.

14. Who did Tang's small group meet by chance when they were dropped off near a jungle path on a prisoner exchange mission in Chapter 11?
(a) Lien's husband.
(b) Le Duc Tho's brother.
(c) Tang's wife.
(d) Albert Tho.

15. When Tang was arrested in Chapter 10, what was he accused of?
(a) Being head of the NLF.
(b) Conspiring to assassinate the president.
(c) Being too wealthly.
(d) Being a Communist Party member.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Tang's father ask him in a letter towards the end of 1951?

2. When Tang was in solitary confinement in the national police headquarters, what saved him from lapsing into permanent catatonia?

3. Why were Tang and a fellow pharmacy student, Miss Ly, chosen to have tea with Ho Chi Minh?

4. What did some local Mytho guerillas do to Albert Thao?

5. Who did Ho Chi Minh remind Tang of?

(see the answer keys)

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