A Town Like Alice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Town Like Alice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can the headman simply allow the women to stay on in his village without informing the Japanese?
(a) they will kill the entire village
(b) they will make him kill the women
(c) they will conscript him into the army
(d) they will punish him

2. When telling Jean about Donald, what does Strachan try to do?
(a) spare her sensibilities
(b) refuse to give her the details
(c) paint a clear picture
(d) make her shed tears

3. How many Japanese guards are assigned to the women and children?
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) only one

4. What does Jean learn from Strachan?
(a) she has inherited a plantation in Malaya
(b) she has inherited a homestead in Scotland
(c) she has inherited £1,550
(d) she has inherited £53,000

5. How does Jean Paget think about Harman had they met under other circumstances?
(a) that his memory would keep her from ever marrying
(b) that things might have been different between them
(c) that they probably would not like one another
(d) that they would never have talked to one another

6. Who is in the photograph Jean finds and shows to the dying sergeant?
(a) a woman and four children
(b) a beautiful Japanese woman
(c) children playing on a beach
(d) the Emperor of Japan

7. What is Mrs. Frith's suggestion for the group?
(a) that they go on a hunger strike
(b) that they seduce their Japanese guards
(c) that they demand a truck to carry them
(d) that they find a village and settle there

8. What happens to four children at Bahau?
(a) they are taken by the Japanese
(b) they run away
(c) they die of a fever
(d) they are caught stealing food

9. Why do the Japanese agree to let the women stay and work in the fields?
(a) it will give them time to find a truck
(b) it will produce more rice for them
(c) it will make it easier to guard them
(d) it will teach them a lesson about obedience

10. Up to this point in her life, what is it Jean doubts she will ever do?
(a) see the Queen
(b) marry, attend university, or travel
(c) shop at Harrod's
(d) buy a small house

11. What doe the soldiers do in Kuala Panong?
(a) lock the women and children in a cellar
(b) shoot the men
(c) confiscate jewelry
(d) remove the children from their parents

12. Why is it now easier for Jean to arrange food and shelter at the village?
(a) the villagers think they are Japanese
(b) the people speak English
(c) the group is much smaller
(d) there is no headman

13. What is the unusual situation of the women when the sergeant dies?
(a) they are afraid because there is no protection
(b) they can escape but do not know where to go
(c) they must decide where to go next on their own
(d) they are prisoners without a guard

14. What does Jean Paget present to Strachan when she arrives in his office?
(a) a letter from her attorney
(b) fresh baked biscuits
(c) a basket of fruit
(d) proof of her identity

15. Seeing the suntanned Jean with a baby on her hip, what does Harman think she is?
(a) a Malay spy
(b) the wife of one of the Japanese
(c) a Malay married woman
(d) a servant girl

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the other ladies in the group do to follow Jean's example?

2. How long does Jean say the women stayed in Kuala Telang?

3. What helps clear up some of their skin diseases?

4. What is the essence of Capt. Yoniata's lecture to the prisoners?

5. Who exits the large Customs launch Jean hopes will take her to singapore?

(see the answer keys)

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