A Time to Kill Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Time to Kill Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Jake's view of insurance companies and their lawyers?
(a) Jake has defended the insurance side and sees the need.
(b) Jake understands the need for them, but does not like them.
(c) Jake is jealous and wishes he could be one.
(d) Jake hates them both.

2. What does Sheriff Walls testify during the change of venue hearing?
(a) The majority of Ford County citizens know all the rape and murder facts, and have their minds made up.
(b) Virtually all Ford County citizens don't know all the rape and murder facts, but have their minds made up.
(c) There are not 12 Ford County citizens that don't have all the rape and murder facts, and their minds are made up.
(d) Most Ford County citizens know most of the rape and murder facts, and have not made their minds up.

3. During one phone call to Carla shortly prior to the trial, whose situation is Jake careful not to bring up?
(a) Reverend Agee's.
(b) Ozzie Walls'.
(c) Gwem Hailey's.
(d) Bud Twitty's.

4. How old is Tonya?
(a) 16.
(b) 10.
(c) 14.
(d) 12.

5. During their picnic, what is Carl Lee's response when Gwen questions him about his commitment to bring in a few hundred dollars to make ends meet?
(a) He remains silent.
(b) He reminds her he is still the man of the family.
(c) He states he is doing the best he can.
(d) He firmly repeats that he will see what he can do.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lester Hailey has driven to Clanton from where?

2. Jake Brigance advises deputies that Billy Ray Cobb could receive life plus 40 years if he is convicted on all charges, and could be paroled how soon if Tonya lives?

3. Several days following his being rehired by Carl Lee, Jake is summoned to Lucien's home to meet whom?

4. How does Jake Brigance view the Carl Lee Hailey murder trial?

5. After Ozzie summons Jake to meet with Lester and Carl Lee and Carl Lee rehires Jake because his brother "wants me to," what does Carl Lee say?

Short Essay Questions

1. What sort of relationship exists between Sheriff Ozzie Walls and Jake Brigance?

2. What is Ellen Roark's response to Jake when he quizzes her on her credentials?

3. Why is Carl Lee reluctant to rehire Jake?

4. What is the trajectory of Judge Omar Noose's career that has led him to his current status?

5. Why does the name of Clyde Sisco cause some stir during Jake's jury strategy team session in Chapter 29?

6. In what ways does John Grisham show that Jake relishes being back on center stage once he is Carl Lee's attorney?

7. What are the positions taken by Jake and Carla when he suggests he will contact Lester, Carl Lee's brother, after the latter fires him?

8. Why does a convoy of buses enter Clanton?

9. What transpires between Carl Lee and Deputy Looney while the latter is still hospitalized, and how does Jake respond?

10. How does K.T. "Cat" Bruster's view of truth and justice compare with Carl Lee's?

(see the answer keys)

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