A Thread of Grace Test | Final Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Thread of Grace Test | Final Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mirella give to anyone and everyone who comes to her?
(a) New transport cards
(b) Stones to carry
(c) Jobs
(d) Wine

2. Who is the chauffeur of the large Vatican car for Massimo Malcovato?
(a) Santino
(b) Tomitz
(c) Renzo
(d) Angelo

3. Who does Artur almost shoot because he thinks he is an assassin?
(a) Loeb
(b) Tomitz
(c) Renzo
(d) A young boy on a bike

4. For how long has Claudia worked for Bettinna and Tercilla as a helper with household chores?
(a) One day
(b) One month
(c) One year
(d) One week

5. Who rushes in to tell Santino about German soldiers raping a young girl?
(a) Renzo
(b) Angelo
(c) Claudia
(d) Tomitz

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the new head of the civil engineering group that will rebuild the town?

2. Who is supervising the train track dynamiting operation along with Renzo?

3. What was the reason why the girl agreed to have sex with the German soldiers?

4. What is Antonia Usodimare running her place as?

5. What does Renzo want Santino to build for a German engineering firm?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Simon Henley's plane during the conflict with the German planes?

2. By August, what is Renzo able to do after his injury?

3. What does Renzo do once he realizes he has no one to live for now that the war is over?

4. What does Maria Avoni teach Simon Henley about as she takes him to his first camp?

5. What are being dropped from the sky, causing rumors to ravage Italy?

6. What does Renzo return to reveal to the others?

7. Why has Jakub Landau been caught at the German checkpoint?

8. What is the holiday that the United States and the Germans had hoped to meet in terms of ending the war?

9. How does Schramm describe Hitler's stories?

10. What makes the German soldiers stop looking through the laundry basket Claudia Cicala is carrying?

(see the answer keys)

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