A Thread of Grace Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Thread of Grace Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Schramm confesses to being part of the _________ program as part of Hitler's plan.
(a) military
(b) strategy
(c) euthanasia
(d) governing

2. What will happen to any Jews who do not surrender by the indicated date of September 28, 1943?
(a) They will be shot on sight
(b) They will be tortured
(c) Nothing
(d) They will go to a work camp

3. What does Renzo act as in order to evade the capture by the Germans when Duno arrives?
(a) Crazy Italian named Signor
(b) Renta Lupe
(c) Ugo Messner
(d) Crazy Sicialian named Savoca

4. In what village have the villagers been cooking and cleaning in preparation for the Jews?
(a) Santa Pensione
(b) Santa Rosa
(c) Santa Rosita
(d) Santa Chiara

5. Santino tells Claudia to save her _______ as she might need them later.
(a) jewels
(b) shoes
(c) tears
(d) biscuits

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Renzo do with Mirella that shocks Angelo?

2. What is Osvaldo surprised to hear that Leoni is, actually he is quite shocked to learn this fact.

3. Klara would tell Adolf, "_______ or you'll get sick and die."

4. What are tied to Albert's forehead and hands to help remind him of the sacred words of prayer?

5. Why does Mirella offer to keep liquor at home for Renzo, which ends up making Renzo angry at her?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Werner think his mother committed suicide?

2. What does Tomitz come to tell those at the Rabbi's house?

3. What was the horrible event that happened to Klara Hitler which led to her immaculate home?

4. What is Doctor Werner Schramm looking for in the small village of Porto Sant' Andrea?

5. Why did the bells at the church suddenly begin to ring?

6. Describe the character of Lidia Leoni.

7. What did Lidia do while Renzo was in jail, a fact she admits to him when he reveals his meeting with Schramm?

8. Who is the person who arranged Schramm's escape? Why?

9. Why was Leto allowed to go to school while others were not?

10. Why had Renzo Leoni been waiting at the church when he met Schramm?

(see the answer keys)

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