A Thread of Grace Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Thread of Grace Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has developed a successful system and is defeating the Germans in this area?
(a) Resistance Allies
(b) Bridgemen
(c) Bandinis
(d) Brigade

2. What does Maria Avoni tote as she escorts Simon Henley to his first camp?
(a) Laundry basket
(b) Grenade
(c) A large book
(d) Machine gun

3. Whose uniform is being transported in the laundry that is being checked by the Germans, though the uniform goes undiscovered?
(a) Hitler's
(b) Renzo's
(c) Reinecke's
(d) Schramm's

4. What does Mirella give to anyone and everyone who comes to her?
(a) Wine
(b) New transport cards
(c) Stones to carry
(d) Jobs

5. Who has now passed away from typhus and from a weak heart?
(a) Tomitz
(b) Albert Blum
(c) Renzo
(d) Pierino

6. Santino tells Leto that the wall's strength comes from the _________ as well as from what you see.
(a) maker
(b) inside
(c) materials
(d) Lord

7. Mirella hopes that the war will be over by _________________.
(a) Yom Kippur
(b) Christmas
(c) Thanksgiving
(d) Easter

8. What do the special ops team members do before their plane explodes?
(a) Drop supplies
(b) Jump out
(c) Send a signal
(d) Yell for help

9. Mirella believes: If you can help, you must _______.
(a) work hard
(b) help
(c) pay
(d) stay

10. A girl on the crowded train diverts the Nazi soldiers' attention as a ____________ slides under the train seats.
(a) German soldier
(b) fugitive girl
(c) fugitive boy
(d) emaciated girl

11. An elderly contessa tells the German soldiers that the villa is a _________ and that il maggiore is trapped in Milan.
(a) children's home
(b) church
(c) elderly home
(d) hospital

12. Who is supervising the train track dynamiting operation along with Renzo?
(a) Schramm
(b) Leto
(c) Tomitz
(d) Angelo

13. What is Santino Cicala helping Battista Goletta build?
(a) Hospital
(b) Outhouse
(c) Church
(d) Stone wall

14. Battista threatens _______ that he must tell the Germans who killed the five soldiers or he will tell them about his own Communist cousins.
(a) Renzo
(b) Leto
(c) Tomitz
(d) Santino

15. Who is the new head of the civil engineering group that will rebuild the town?
(a) Jakub Landau
(b) Tomitz
(c) Renzo
(d) Mirella

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Antonia Usodimare running her place as?

2. Who have invaded France at this point of the novel, showing their strength in battle?

3. Who does Renzo give British money and a letter to?

4. Renzo believes his shame is the last vestige of _________ in a vicious, barbaric world.

5. Who is Duno treating, though he has Iacopo's help to do so?

(see the answer keys)

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