A Thread of Grace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Thread of Grace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mary Doria Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Schramm confesses to being part of the _________ program as part of Hitler's plan.
(a) strategy
(b) euthanasia
(c) military
(d) governing

2. Who is the priest who introduces himself to Schramm?
(a) Tomitz
(b) Albert
(c) Renzo
(d) Loeb

3. What is Schramm dying from, though Renzo decides he can help him to life long enough to return to see his family?
(a) Typhus
(b) Cancer
(c) Tuberculosis
(d) Plague

4. Where did the Brosslers formerly live before they decided to escape and head to the mountains?
(a) Venice
(b) Paris
(c) Milan
(d) Florence

5. What did Adolf feel shameful about as he grew up in his home?
(a) His Jewish faith
(b) The incest of his mother
(c) His large nose
(d) His plain clothes

6. What does Duno's father do to him as they argue about whether or not to turn themselves in?
(a) Kisses him
(b) Hugs him
(c) Tuns away from him
(d) Slaps him

7. What are other women doing as the answer to #112 distracts the soldiers?
(a) Burnign German leaflets
(b) Marking their homes
(c) Sneaking Jews out
(d) Stealing ignition wires

8. Who do the Brosslers leave behind as they are escaping to the mountains?
(a) Father
(b) Grandmother
(c) Mother
(d) Grandfather

9. What did Klara do too long with her son Adolf as mentioned in the beginning of this book?
(a) Breast feed
(b) Take him to church
(c) Read to him
(d) Toilet train

10. Osvaldo wonders why the ________ does not excommunicate Hitler, but Leto understands how politics work.
(a) Archbishop
(b) Cardinal
(c) local priest
(d) Pope

11. Who had arranged for Schramm's escape as a symbolic repayment to someone he might have killed in the past?
(a) Reinecke
(b) Renzo
(c) Tomitz
(d) Santiano

12. Who will not leave Albert Blum behind when he becomes ill?
(a) Santino
(b) Tomitz
(c) Loeb
(d) Frieda Brossler

13. What is Osvaldo unable to do when he hears the confession of Schramm?
(a) Stop himself from hitting Schramm
(b) Stop crying
(c) Answer him
(d) Give absolution

14. Schramm wants to know if _________ go to heaven if they are too young or unable to reach a state of reason.
(a) women
(b) humans
(c) animals
(d) children

15. Leto was able to go to school because of his leg which would not allow him to _________ like other boys.
(a) run
(b) play
(c) read
(d) farm

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Adolf believe himself to be because of all of the fear in his life?

2. What does the Soncini family return to after Iacopo is released from jail?

3. Schramm began to believe that money should not be spent on those who are _________.

4. What has Schramm traveled in in order to get to his final destination as noted in #101?

5. Renzo decides to apply as a ________ for the Dairy Association as a way to help out.

(see the answer keys)

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