A Thousand Acres Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Thousand Acres Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ty hopes for ____________ so he can begin harvesting early on the farm and start seeing the results of his work.
(a) The approval of Harold
(b) A new tractor
(c) The approval of Ginny
(d) Good weather

2. The farm's ultimate legacy was $34,000 in debt that was owed to __________ after the death of Larry.
(a) The state
(b) The IRS
(c) The county
(d) The neighbors

3. Who does Ginny remember always watching her as she got beat by Larry as a child, even though Ginny screamed?
(a) Caroline
(b) Her mother
(c) Rose
(d) Jess

4. Ginny and Rose, Ty and Pete have an unprecedented two-hour long conference with their new Mason City __________.
(a) Banker
(b) Accountant
(c) Partner
(d) Lawyer

5. At the ___________ in the town where Ginny travels, the store manager notes that Larry is planning on moving to Des Moines.
(a) Grocery store
(b) Antique store
(c) Department store
(d) Book shop

Short Answer Questions

1. Ginny decides to give away her acres, with ___________ receiving 380 acres and Rose receiving 640 acres.

2. Pete gets drunk and drives over to threaten ________ and then drives off into the quarry where he actually drowns.

3. ___________ divides her life into before and after the conversation with Rose.

4. Rose knows that __________ sees her differently than other men see her and that their physical attraction will fade in time.

5. Larry told Ginny when she was that age that she was ____________, repeatedly telling her this, event though she was just a toddler.

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Ginny describe the way she is feeling after the midnight conversation with Rose?

2. What does Rose let Ginny know in a short note she receives while Ginny is in her new place?

3. Why has Henry Dodge, the Lutheran minister, come to call on Ginny, even though she did not ask him to come?

4. What happened to Rose's old home when the farm sale occurred in the springtime?

5. What does Mr. Cartier tell Ginny and Rose, Pete and Ty to do in order to keep up with their case?

6. What did Pete tell Rose the week before when she told him about her affair with Jess?

7. Where does Ginny decide to swim in order to clear her mind and to get away from others?

8. What was the one thing, Ginny thinks, her father had stolen from her in her life and in her marriage?

9. What is the status of Harold's eyes after his accident with the ammonia?

10. When Ginny is hiding in a dressing room, what does she overhear Larry say about her and Rose?

(see the answer keys)

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