A Thousand Acres Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Thousand Acres Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ginny remembers giggling with Rose over the phone when Rose was away at __________.
(a) College
(b) Work training
(c) The farm
(d) Summer camp

2. Ginny finds out that ________ had a heart attack while pushing a shopping cart down a grocery store aisle.
(a) Loren
(b) Larry
(c) Jess
(d) Ty

3. Ginny notices that every ___________ in Rose's house is lit when she comes over.
(a) Candle
(b) Window
(c) TV
(d) Christmas light

4. The sorting of possession happens in the cold as _________ doesn't believe ventilation prevents kerosene heater fatalities.
(a) Ginny
(b) Loren
(c) Rose
(d) Caroline

5. The funeral is orchestrated, at least to some degree, for the benefit of ___________.
(a) Harold
(b) Larry
(c) The girls
(d) Rose

6. Rose knows that __________ sees her differently than other men see her and that their physical attraction will fade in time.
(a) Jess
(b) Pete
(c) Ty
(d) Loren

7. __________ manage a decent funeral for Peter because others aren't around to help Rose and Ginny.
(a) The church people
(b) The men
(c) Caroline's friends
(d) Ty and Loren

8. What does Ginny add the poisonous herb to, knowing that Rose would probably not be able to resist?
(a) Pork sausage
(b) Coffee
(c) Chocolate cake
(d) Bread

9. Between shifts and in her downtime, Ginny likes to ____________, preferably those from dead writers.
(a) Read novels
(b) Sing songs
(c) Watch movies
(d) Recite poetry

10. __________ was always patient and good humored, always moving slowly forward.
(a) Larry
(b) Ty
(c) Pete
(d) Harold

11. What part of the farm was bulldozed, though the remaining daughters didn't seem to care much?
(a) Dairy farm
(b) Hog farm
(c) Chelsea
(d) The main coop

12. What is the word Rose says when she calls Ginny that causes Ginny to go back to Mason City?
(a) Caroline
(b) Hospital
(c) Cancer
(d) Daddy

13. Larry's whereabouts are discussed, but Rose says that not knowing his location is ___________ for her.
(a) Painful
(b) Okay
(c) Confusing
(d) Freedom

14. Mr. Cartier tells the sisters that the ___________ will be hard to prove, so they need to focus more on keeping up appearances.
(a) Income
(b) Abuse
(c) Ownership
(d) Faith

15. The lawsuit of Caroline and Larry against Ty and Ginny, Rose and Pete is found to be __________ by the judge.
(a) Inexcusable
(b) Settled
(c) Interesting
(d) Frivolous

Short Answer Questions

1. ___________ says that just as their dreams are coming true, they are living in a nightmare as others have wrecked their dreams.

2. Ginny feels the one thing her father has stolen from her is the ___________ of her own body.

3. What was expected at 6:00 AM, so Ginny sneaks out at 11:00 PM after Ty has fallen asleep early?

4. Ty is not settled, according to Ginny, and he is heading for a big hog operation in __________ where he hopes to land a job.

5. What was put beside the bed during her first night with Ty after they were married and were consummating the relationship?

(see the answer keys)

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