A Thousand Acres Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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A Thousand Acres Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 6: Chapter 45.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was revealed under the marshland that once stood in the farm area that Larry now owns?
(a) Clay
(b) A river
(c) Natural crops
(d) Fertile soil

2. What is Rose's reaction to the fact that Ginny tried to poison Rose with the sausages?
(a) She cries
(b) She tells Ginny to get out
(c) She laughs
(d) She says nothing

3. Rose announces she has already fed Larry and that he was ________ because they allowed it.
(a) Happy
(b) Crazy
(c) Rigid
(d) Abusive

4. The sorting of possession happens in the cold as _________ doesn't believe ventilation prevents kerosene heater fatalities.
(a) Ginny
(b) Loren
(c) Rose
(d) Caroline

5. Jess mentions he has 13 years of experience in ___________ farming as well as a shallow understanding of Buddhism.
(a) Chicken
(b) Corn
(c) Organic
(d) Pig

Short Answer Questions

1. Ginny and her sister, Rose, raised Caroline the best they could after their ____________ died and could not help them.

2. Ginny cannot think of ________ without thinking of her room, which she cannot think of without thinking of her father.

3. Rose knows that __________ sees her differently than other men see her and that their physical attraction will fade in time.

4. Caroline tries to turn on the faucet, but there is ______________ as she talks about the idea that her memory of Larry is just what a father's memory should be.

5. The autopsy of Pete shows that his _____________ was high enough to preclude consciousness, making it debatable that he drove in accidentally.

(see the answer key)

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