A Thousand Acres Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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A Thousand Acres Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 5: Chapter 40.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ginny allows herself to feel a little _________ by the rigidity of Larry's eating schedule during the breakfast time.
(a) Pleased
(b) Mischevious
(c) Annoyed
(d) Excited

2. Ginny thinks back to when her house used to be owned by the ___________.
(a) Chelseas
(b) Cooks
(c) Ericsons
(d) Smiths

3. Rose thinks that Larry is perfecting his _______________ as he will continue to do during his retirement.
(a) Death's head start
(b) Death's fercent gaze
(c) Quiet march to silence
(d) Poker face

4. Rose announces she has already fed Larry and that he was ________ because they allowed it.
(a) Happy
(b) Rigid
(c) Abusive
(d) Crazy

5. What does Jess show up with since Harold's freezer breaks down and this thing needs to stay cool?
(a) Frozen meat
(b) Frozen pies
(c) Frozen dinner
(d) Frozen veggies

Short Answer Questions

1. Caroline calls and says she had just returned from New York and found a note on her desk saying ____________ had driven to Des Moines to find her.

2. Pammy tells Ginny that Rose left instructions not to let _________ into their house if no other adults were present.

3. Where do the adults drop Pammy and Linda off before they head into town for their meeting?

4. What was put beside the bed during her first night with Ty after they were married and were consummating the relationship?

5. What were Ty and Pete installing when Ginny returned from the swimming pool with Pammy and Linda?

(see the answer key)

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