A Thief of Time: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Thief of Time: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Davis and Elliott tell Leaphorn that Dr. Friedman-Bernal has discovered a certain potter and her work?
(a) BC63.
(b) BC48.
(c) BC57.
(d) BC34.

2. Where does Chee spend the afternoon hunting for a fellow who'd broken his brother-in-law's leg?
(a) La Plata.
(b) Flora Vista.
(c) Kirtland.
(d) Teec Nos Pos.

3. What is the fine for tampering with an odometer?
(a) $5,000.
(b) $12,000.
(c) $10,000.
(d) $7,000.

4. How long ago was Leaphorn involved in a hunt for Houk's son?
(a) Almost 20 years.
(b) Almost 30 years.
(c) 15 years.
(d) 10 years.

5. Who always said that Dr. Friedman-Bernal had hands like a dirt farmer?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many years did Chee's girlfriend teach school in the area?

2. How far is Chaco from the area where Dr. Friedman-Bernal is hiking?

3. What did Pete's former boyfriend do for a living?

4. How many degrees has Leaphorn moved his bed?

5. Where is Maxie Davis working when Thatcher and Leaphorn go to Chaco?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Leaphorn remember calls traveling when they used a Navajo Communications Company telephone line?

2. Where had Leaphorn seen the man who is playing the guitar at the revival meeting before?

3. What does Leaphorn say about Chee and what is a hatathali?

4. Who is Bo Arnold?

5. How does Mrs. Luna describe Elliott?

6. What is the tradition of the Dineh regarding the dead?

7. What items do Davis and Elliott think are missing from Dr. Friedman-Bernal's apartment?

8. Describe Chee's sweat bath.

9. What poster hangs on the wall where Thatcher and Leaphorn are waiting at the Chaco visitors' center?

10. What is the job of the contract archaeology team that Maxie Davis and Dr. Friedman-Bernal worked with?

(see the answer keys)

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