A Theory of Justice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Theory of Justice Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 12 multiple choice questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the word and idea 'Democracy' come from?
(a) Ancient Egypt.
(b) The Ancient Athenians of Greece.
(c) Ancient Rome.
(d) Ancient India.

2. How many principles of justice does the Original Position later result in?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

3. What is the second principle derived from the Original Position
(a) That disadvantaged people are provided for.
(b) The education is respected.
(c) That the environment is protected.
(d) That the Rich are allowed certain tax breaks.

4. What does Rawls claim about the freedom of assembly?
(a) That it forms the key to a strong police force.
(b) That it forms the key to a strong democracy
(c) That it forms the key to a strong monarchy.
(d) That it forms the key to a strong military.

5. What does Rawls think will have to be secured to keep the society a just one?
(a) Military power.
(b) Rights.
(c) Good trade agreements.
(d) One world government.

6. What did wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill famously say about Democracy?
(a) "Far from perfect, but the best system on the table."
(b) "The ignoble chasing the inedible."
(c) "Far from perfect."
(d) "The sublimest virtue."

7. What is a Totalitarian state?
(a) The opposite of a democracy.
(b) A type of religious state.
(c) A type of secular state.
(d) A type of economic system.

8. What is assumed about the liberty of the Individual, according to “The Two Principles of Justice”?
(a) That it may be minimized.
(b) That it may be maximized.
(c) That it is the only important virtue.
(d) That it may be ignored.

9. What year was Adam Smith born?
(a) 1723.
(b) 1923.
(c) 1623.
(d) 1823.

10. What does Rawls admit might happen within his just society?
(a) Persecution.
(b) Social and Economic inequality.
(c) Civil war.
(d) Political upheaval.

11. What does Rawls claim is necessary for fair elections?
(a) So long as the majority get a chance to vote.
(b) Fair, free and often elections.
(c) One general election every generation.
(d) As long as the wealthy get a chance to make a vote.

12. What is the only caveat to a maximum liberty of the individual?
(a) That the individual is god-fearing.
(b) That the individual does not challenge the powers that be.
(c) That the individual does not impede anyone else's liberty.
(d) That the individual does not make too much money.

(see the answer keys)

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