A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Suffering and Faith | Love, Law, and Civil Disobedience.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dr. King wants to point out a lot of things about the use of nonviolence. Nonviolence is not for __________, for example.
(a) Women.
(b) Children.
(c) Cowards.
(d) Whites.

2. What kind of segregation was India facing in its own country, that Gandhi felt compelled to address?
(a) Gender.
(b) Land.
(c) Age.
(d) Caste.

3. Dr. King recommends to not attempt to defeat, humiliate, or pay back __________ in the fight for rights.
(a) Money.
(b) Sarcasm.
(c) Injustices.
(d) Taxes.

4. Nonviolence seeks to win the friendship and the understanding of the __________, not his humiliation or defeat.
(a) Devil.
(b) President.
(c) Opponent.
(d) Black man.

5. What is NOT one of the things that Dr. King endured during his time in the Civil Rights movement?
(a) Poisoning.
(b) Near fatal stabbing.
(c) Jailing.
(d) Home bombing.

Short Answer Questions

1. One of the many wonders of the boycott and the nonviolent actions was the joining of many local __________ communities.

2. The goal of nonviolence is to change an evil ___________, not to attack the individuals who are participating in that group.

3. Dr. King discussed the idea that those who oppose __________ rarely give up privileges without intense opposition.

4. The personal experiences of Dr. King allowed him to develop a faith and a belief in the reality of a personal __________.

5. In spite of the extreme ___________ in the area, Dr. King found little evidence of abuse towards each other.

(see the answer key)

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