A Test of Wills Test | Final Test - Medium

Caroline and Charles Todd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Test of Wills Test | Final Test - Medium

Caroline and Charles Todd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hamish tell Rutledge about his ability to finish this case with his reputation intact?
(a) He should be able to solve the case easily.
(b) It will never happen.
(c) He should resign rather than fail.
(d) He will need more help.

2. Where does Maggie tell Rutledge Helena is when he confronts her in Chapter 20?
(a) The funeral.
(b) The bedroom.
(c) The hospital.
(d) The Inn.

3. Who does Rutledge ask for an opinion about the murder case in the beginning of Chapter 13?
(a) Catherine Tarrant.
(b) Captain Wilton.
(c) Dr. Warren.
(d) Hickam.

4. Where does Rutledge hide out in Chapter 16 in order to review the evidence in the case one more time?
(a) His hotel room.
(b) The meadow where the body was discovered.
(c) London.
(d) Mallows.

5. Who does Rutledge learn he saw sitting in the garden while preparing for lunch in Chapter 16?
(a) Helena Sommers.
(b) Maggie Sommers.
(c) Lettice Wood.
(d) Catherine Tarrant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the weather like as the villagers gather for the funeral of Colonel Harris?

2. What does Rutledge realize about Maggie Sommers as he approaches her home the day of the funeral?

3. What is the primary thought on Lettice Wood's mind in the end of Chapter 17?

4. What does Mrs. Davenant say about Wilton's choice in women?

5. Who does Lizzie Pinter look like, as pointed out by Hamish at the end of Chapter 18?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Catherine Tarrant admit she paid Hickam after the murder?

2. Why does Rutledge attend church in Chapter 15? What happens afterward?

3. What does Lettice Wood say about her thoughts on Wilton's possible motives for murder?

4. What major regret does Lettice Wood confess she has in the death of her guardian?

5. Why does the author switch point of view in a series of vignettes at the end of Chapter 17?

6. What does Lettice Wood reveal to Rutledge in Chapter 19 after he wakes her in the middle of the night?

7. Why does Rutledge questions Mrs. Davenant about the pension Mavers' receives in Chapter 11?

8. Who does Rutledge learn was a nurse during the war? What does this say about this particular character?

9. Where does Rutledge find himself continuously drawn as he continues to investigate the murder of Harris?

10. What does Rutledge reveal in the beginning of Chapter 19 that he believes happened in the meadow the morning of the murder?

(see the answer keys)

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