A Terrible Country Test | Final Test - Easy

Keith Gessen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Terrible Country Test | Final Test - Easy

Keith Gessen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 3, Chapter 6, from what century are the churches that Yulia and Andrei walk among on a hill above the Kiev city center?
(a) 11th.
(b) 14th.
(c) 13th.
(d) 12th.

2. What is the name of the girl that Leg sets Andrei up with in Part 2, Chapter 12?
(a) Daria.
(b) Nikita.
(c) Katiya.
(d) Polina.

3. How often does Seraphima Mikhailovna come and cook for Andrei and Seva?
(a) Every 3 days.
(b) Every 5 days.
(c) Every 2 days.
(d) Every 4 days.

4. When Andrei spends the night at Yulia's apartment in Part 2, Chapter 12, what time does he check on his grandmother?
(a) 3 a.m.
(b) 1 a.m.
(c) Midnight.
(d) 2 a.m.

5. In Part 2, Chapter 12, about how often does Yulia go home to see her mother?
(a) Once a month.
(b) Every other week.
(c) A couple time a year.
(d) Every 2 months.

6. What alcohol does Andrei buy for Yulia's dinner party in Part 3, Chapter 5?
(a) Vodka.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Rum.
(d) Wine.

7. In Chapter 6, how many other people than Andrei come to an anti-fascist protest at the Clean Ponds metro stop?
(a) 24.
(b) 18.
(c) 11.
(d) 6.

8. How many times is Oleg shot in the torso in Part 3, Chapter 7?
(a) 4.
(b) 1.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

9. In Chapter 8, how long does it take Andrei to reach the hospital?
(a) 45 minutes.
(b) About 1 1/2 hours.
(c) 90 minutes.
(d) Almost 2 hours.

10. In Part 3, Chapter 7, who is arrested on Saturday after Andrei was questioned after the police station?
(a) Nikolai and Yulia.
(b) Boris and Nikolai.
(c) Sergei and Boris.
(d) Sergei and Misha.

11. In Part 2, Chapter 12, how far of a walk does Andrei have after he spends the night at Yulia's apartment?
(a) Around 2 miles.
(b) 3/4 of a mile.
(c) 3 miles.
(d) About 1 1/2 miles.

12. How many hours is Andrei in custody in Part 3, Chapter 7?
(a) Less than 3.
(b) 3 1/2.
(c) About 4.
(d) 2 1/2.

13. In Part 2, Chapter 12, how many years was Shipalkin supposed to get if he did not provide the names of his fellow members of Mayhem?
(a) 7.
(b) 8.
(c) 5.
(d) 3.

14. What time do the guests start arriving for Seva's birthday party?
(a) 6 p.m.
(b) 4 p.m.
(c) 5 p.m.
(d) 7 p.m.

15. What does it cost Andrei to take his grandmother to the Coffee Grind in Chapter 9?
(a) $25.
(b) $20.
(c) $15.
(d) $10.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Part 3, Chapter 1, how much does Dima sell his apartment for?

2. In Part 3, Chapter 4, where does Andrei say that a few years earlier a Chechen terrorist set off a bomb in an underpass?

3. How long do Andrei, Sergei, and the others spend drinking together in a basement cafe in Chapter 6?

4. On what floor is the apartment where Sophia Nikolaevna lives?

5. In Part 3, Chapter 3, what does Andrei tell Yulia is next to Watson College?

(see the answer keys)

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