A Tempest: Based on Shakespeare's The Tempest, Adaptation for a Black Theatre Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Tempest: Based on Shakespeare's The Tempest, Adaptation for a Black Theatre Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 85 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the A Tempest: Based on Shakespeare's The Tempest, Adaptation for a Black Theatre Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What time of day is it when 3.4 begins?
(a) Morning.
(b) Lunch time.
(c) Night.
(d) Afternoon.

2. What do the nymphs do at the celebration in 3.3?
(a) Dance.
(b) Make predictions.
(c) Drink.
(d) Eat.

3. In 2.3, what time does Antonio say it is?
(a) Time to eat.
(b) Time to bust a rhyme.
(c) 4:30.
(d) Time to shake the coconut palm.

4. Who does Sebastian order to kill his brother in 2.3?
(a) Miranda.
(b) Alfonso.
(c) Gonzalo.
(d) Antonio.

5. At the start of 3.4 who does Caliban plan to conquer?
(a) Alfonso.
(b) Lira.
(c) Prospero.
(d) Ferdinand.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is yelling at the start of 3.4?

2. Who goes to Prospero for forgiveness in 2.3?

3. Who do Miranda and Ferdinand receive a blessing from in 3.4?

4. What does Trinculo lament in 3.2?

5. Who does Prospero free in 3.4?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Prospero and Caliban's relationship at the end of the play.

2. What do the two spirits yell about in 3.4?

3. In 3.5, how does Prospero treat Trinculo and Stephano?

4. What do Trinculo and Stephano want to do with Caliban?

5. Why does Prospero instruct Ariel to line the road with gaudy clothes and glass trinkets?

6. What does Caliban whisper to Ferdinand, and how does Ferdinand use that information in 3.1?

7. Describe the fight between Prospero and Caliban in 3.4.

8. Where is the engagement celebration held in 3.3?

9. What is Caliban doing at the start of 3.2?

10. What do the men in 2.3 need to do in order to gain Prospero's forgiveness?

(see the answer keys)

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