A Tale of Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Chris Colfer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Tale of Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Chris Colfer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6, how long does it take Brystal to get to the place she is taken following her trial?
(a) Five days.
(b) One month.
(c) Two days.
(d) Two weeks.

2. In Chapter 6, what does Brystal's friend give her on her first night that makes her more comfortable?
(a) A coat.
(b) Hot tea.
(c) A wool blanket.
(d) A pair of warm socks.

3. In Chapter 2, how much money does Brystal offer to do the job she is applying for for?
(a) One gold coin per week.
(b) Three gold coins per week.
(c) Five gold coins per week.
(d) Ten gold coins per week.

4. In Chapter 7, what does Brystal eat in Madame Weatherberry's carriage?
(a) Pancakes.
(b) Berries.
(c) Steak.
(d) Pasta.

5. In Chapter 1, who tries to help Barrie prepare for his exam the morning of his test?
(a) Mrs. Evergreen.
(b) Lucy.
(c) Brooks.
(d) Brystal.

6. Which magical creatures does Madame Weatherberry say are evil?
(a) Witches.
(b) Unicorns.
(c) Fairies.
(d) Ghosts.

7. In Chapter 3, who is Brystal's teacher at her school?
(a) Mrs. Vee.
(b) Mrs. Plume.
(c) Mrs. Elderberry.
(d) Mrs. Wombat.

8. In Chapter 4, what false surname has Brystal given the head of the library to conceal her real identity?
(a) Brown.
(b) Bailey.
(c) Betrand.
(d) Bellicose.

9. In Chapter 7, where does Madame Weatherberry say she has to take Brystal when they leave the institution?
(a) To Brystal's library so they can get more books for Brystal to read.
(b) To church.
(c) To the high court.
(d) To Brystal's parents' house to get permission for Brystal to attend Madame Weatherberry's school.

10. In Chapter 5, what does Justice Oldragaid do to Brystal when she arrives in court?
(a) Covers her with a sheet so she can not be seen.
(b) Has her change into a prison uniform.
(c) Has her lashed.
(d) Has the guard cut her hair off.

11. In Chapter 6, which of the following does the banner in the institution Brystal is taken to after her trail say "good girls" never do?
(a) Eat more than their share.
(b) Start fires.
(c) Ask questions.
(d) Exercise.

12. In Chapter 5, who bursts into Brystal's trial just before she is executed?
(a) Mrs. Evergreen.
(b) Lucy.
(c) Justice Evergreen.
(d) Madame Weatherberry.

13. In Chapter 2, how much does the job Brystal is applying for pay per week?
(a) Twenty gold coins.
(b) Ten gold coins.
(c) Six gold coins.
(d) Four gold coins.

14. In Chapter 6, who is Brystal's one friend at the institution?
(a) Lavendar.
(b) Pip.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Everton.

15. In the Prologue, who comes to visit King Champion?
(a) Madame Weatherberry.
(b) Xanthous.
(c) The Evening King.
(d) Byrstal.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 5, what does Brooks say will likely happen to Brystal in her sentencing?

2. What is the method of punishment Brystal's friend tells her that the institution uses?

3. In Chapter 2, what job does Brystal see a posting for?

4. In Chapter 6, what power does Brystal's new friend have that is incredible?

5. In Chapter 8, who is the student in the In-Between living with?

(see the answer keys)

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