A Tale of Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Chris Colfer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Tale of Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Chris Colfer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 7, what does Brystal tell Madame Weatherberry when Madame Weatherberry tells her to pack her things?
(a) She does not have any things.
(b) She does not have a suitcase.
(c) She has too many things to fit in the carriage.
(d) All she has is her favorite book.

2. In Chapter 8, who is the student Brystal and Madame Weatherberry pick up in the Southern Kingdom?
(a) Tangerina.
(b) Skylene.
(c) Xanthous Hayfield.
(d) Lucy Goose.

3. In the Prologue, who comes to visit King Champion?
(a) Madame Weatherberry.
(b) Xanthous.
(c) Byrstal.
(d) The Evening King.

4. In Chapter 6, what kind of clothes is Brystal given when she arrives at the place she is taken to after her trial?
(a) A heavy winter coat and boots.
(b) A swimsuit.
(c) A thin, grey striped dress.
(d) Itchy wool trousers.

5. In Chapter 2, how does Brystal feel about her school?
(a) She loves it.
(b) She thinks it is boring, she feels stifled by the lack of options for subjects to study, and she dislikes it.
(c) She thinks she is not as smart as the other students and the teachers there.
(d) She is indifferent to it.

6. In Chapter 8, who is the student Madame Weatherberry picks up in the In-Between?
(a) Xanthous Hayfield.
(b) Lucy Goose.
(c) Tangerina.
(d) Emerelda Stone.

7. In Chapter 2, how old is Brystal?
(a) 20.
(b) 18.
(c) 10.
(d) 14.

8. In Chapter 5, what does the Prosecution Deputy recommend as the sentence for Brystal?
(a) No penalty.
(b) The maximum penalty.
(c) The moderate penalty.
(d) The minimum penalty.

9. In Chapter 3, what upsets Brystal's mother one night when Brystal is working at the library?
(a) Brystal's brother tells Brystal's mother he is worried about Brystal lately.
(b) Brystal fails to come home to sleep and her mother is worried.
(c) Brystal refuses to help her mother cook breakfast.
(d) Brystal says a curse word in front of her mother.

10. In Chapter 4, what happens when Brystal reads the incantation for testing whether one is a fairy?
(a) Unicorns appear.
(b) The roof disappears.
(c) The library changes colors.
(d) The library becomes covered in vines and flowers.

11. Who does Brooks send a message to via the guard in Chapter 5?
(a) Justice Forworn.
(b) Justice Oldragaid.
(c) Justice Pumice.
(d) Justice Evergreen.

12. What is Brooks's title in Chapter 5?
(a) Junior Justice.
(b) Head Justice.
(c) Defense Deputy Justice.
(d) Senior Justice.

13. What does Brystal implore Brooks to use as evidence to help her case?
(a) A diamond ring.
(b) A banned book.
(c) A flower.
(d) A water hose.

14. In Chapter 5, whose order saves Brystal from execution?
(a) High Justice Mounteclair's.
(b) Justice Smoreson's.
(c) Justice Oldragaid's.
(d) Justice Evergreen's.

15. In Chapter 6, which of the following does the banner in the institution Brystal is taken to after her trail say "good girls" never do?
(a) Exercise.
(b) Ask questions.
(c) Eat more than their share.
(d) Start fires.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 4, who has written the book Brystal finds about magic?

2. In Chapter 7, where does Madame Weatherberry say she has to take Brystal when they leave the institution?

3. In Chapter 1, what is the emergency Barrie calls for his mother to fix?

4. In Chapter 7, what do the lights on Madame Weatherberry's map mean?

5. Who is the leader of the Northern Kingdom?

(see the answer keys)

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