A Swiftly Tilting Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Swiftly Tilting Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Charles Wallace and Gaudior land when they are attacked by the Echthroi when they attempt to go to Patagonia in Chapter 7?
(a) Rock.
(b) Trees.
(c) Wooded valley.
(d) Water.

2. What color is the sand where Charles Wallace and Gaudior are flung in Chapter 7?
(a) White.
(b) Black.
(c) Pink.
(d) Yellowish-brown.

3. What was the name of Beezie's grandmother's husband?
(a) Barrie.
(b) Alan.
(c) Bran.
(d) Pat.

4. In Chapter 9, what color ribbon is around the chocolates that Duthbert Mortmain brings Chuck and Beezie's mother?
(a) Blue.
(b) Green.
(c) Lavender.
(d) Pink.

5. What Welsh poet does Bran discuss after telling his parents and the Llawcae's that he wishes to go to Patagonia?
(a) Dylan Thomas.
(b) Henry Vaughan.
(c) T. Gwynn Jones.
(d) Gillian Clarke.

6. Where does Paddy suggest that Duthbert send Chuck?
(a) Boarding school.
(b) Home for the feebleminded.
(c) County home.
(d) Nuthouse.

7. What does Beezie embroider on a cover she and her grandmother make to protect Zillah's journal?
(a) Daisies.
(b) Bees.
(c) Sunflowers.
(d) Butterflies.

8. What type of paneling is in the dining room at Merioneth?
(a) Cherry.
(b) Oak.
(c) Maple.
(d) Walnut.

9. At the beginning of Chapter 9, what wakes Meg?
(a) A door slamming.
(b) Telephone.
(c) Voices downstairs.
(d) Ananda barking.

10. What season is it for Charles Wallace in Chapter 11?
(a) Summer.
(b) Winter.
(c) Spring.
(d) Fall.

11. In Chapter 9, what injury does Chuck and Beezie's mother show one morning at breakfast that she attributes to bumping into a door?
(a) Bruised cheek.
(b) Wound on her arm.
(c) Black eye.
(d) Bruised wrist.

12. What does Beezie wear in Chapter 8?
(a) Jeans and a blue T-shirt.
(b) Jeans and a red T-shirt.
(c) Jeans and a blue-and-white checked shirt.
(d) Jeans and a green-and-white checked shirt.

13. Who are the letters from?
(a) Bran, Zillah, and Matthew.
(b) Bran and Zillah.
(c) Matthew and Gedder.
(d) Matthew and Bran.

14. What color are the curtains in the Merioneth dining room?
(a) Beige.
(b) Red.
(c) Brown.
(d) Blue.

15. Why did Chuck's father become a storekeeper?
(a) His father had an aneurysm.
(b) His father died.
(c) His father had a stroke.
(d) His father had a heart attack.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 9, who does Chuck say pushed him?

2. How old was Zillah in the journal Chuck found in a strongbox in the attic?

3. After Bran has been home for three months after the war, what do Matthew and Zillah wish for him to join them doing?

4. In Chapter 11, how long has it been since Matthew's accident?

5. Why does Chuck have to stay in bed sometimes after his accident?

(see the answer keys)

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