A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why, according to Wallace, did Image-Fiction fail?
(a) People weren't interested in it.
(b) It succumbed to the same problems as television.
(c) There wants enough money invested.
(d) The concept was too confusing.

2. While on the set of "Lost Highway," why does Wallace rarely see Lynch?
(a) He's busy.
(b) He's never there.
(c) He's in a disguise.
(d) He's in his trailer.

3. How does Wallace believe "Lost Highway" can be interpreted?
(a) As an epilogue.
(b) In many ways.
(c) As a social commentary.
(d) As a piece of religious propaganda.

4. What is Wallace's explanation for why Midwesterners are alienated?
(a) Because they have different ethical values.
(b) Because their home is like a factory.
(c) Because they enjoy different movies.
(d) Because they speak differently.

5. At the livestock barns of the fair, Wallace observes that horses are _______.
(a) Stupid.
(b) Noble.
(c) Dirty.
(d) Lazy.

6. What does Wallace most like about the Expo Building at the state fair?
(a) It's air conditioned.
(b) It's quiet.
(c) There's lots of shopping.
(d) It's big.

7. According to Wallace, commercials make people watch more television because they want to understand the _______.
(a) World.
(b) Product.
(c) Concept.
(d) In-joke.

8. Why do the students disagree with their professor in "E Unibus Pluram"?
(a) They believe writing is better when it's not time specific.
(b) They believe their professor is always right.
(c) They believe writing should be composed primarily of historical references.
(d) They believe all writing must take place in a specific time.

9. Wallace believes people recognize pop-culture references but are _______ with them.
(a) Displeased.
(b) Happy.
(c) Uncomfortable.
(d) Confused.

10. After seeing the distressed pigs at the livestock barns, why does Wallace feel hypocritical?
(a) Because he doesn't care.
(b) Because he used to work for a barn.
(c) Because he doesn't like pigs.
(d) Because he's craving a corndog.

11. On his second day of the desert competition, why does Wallace repeatedly use the bathroom?
(a) Because he doesn't like the people he's with.
(b) Because he drank too much water.
(c) Because he's sick.
(d) Because he has to take medication.

12. What article of clothing distinguishes a "Kmart Person"?
(a) Their t-shirts.
(b) Their pants.
(c) Their shoes.
(d) Their jewelry.

13. Gilder believes technology can be solved with ________.
(a) More technology.
(b) More culture.
(c) More reading.
(d) Less technology.

14. What is Wallace's objective in describing the "Mary Tyler Moore Show" references in an episode of St. Elsewhere?
(a) To convey his interest in the shows.
(b) Explaining that everything is interconnected.
(c) Explaining television is becoming completely self-referential.
(d) Explaining that there is a meaning behind every episode.

15. By the end of the state fair, what has Wallace realized about the purpose of fairs?
(a) They are for all the people of the community.
(b) They are a good way to make money.
(c) They are pointless.
(d) They are for advertisement.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Wallace able to get into the desert competition at the state fair?

2. Wallace believes that Lynch's films are the most successful when what is developed?

3. What does Wallace observe about people dancing at a rock concert?

4. What charity do Brenda Edgar and Ronald McDonald discuss with the press?

5. Wallace believes that commercials have evolved into appealing to a sense of ______.

(see the answer keys)

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