A Summons to Memphis Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Summons to Memphis Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom does Mrs. Carver spend much of her time on the Saturday outings?
(a) Mrs. Shackleford's mother and grandmother.
(b) Mr. Carver.
(c) Mrs. Shackleford.
(d) Her children.

2. What message does Phillip draw from his father's behavior in the car?
(a) His father might not recover from this.
(b) Mr. Carver counted on his two companions not to take his silence personally.
(c) Things were going to be just fine.
(d) His father was suicidal.

3. What is Mr. Carver doing in the car in Chapter 8?
(a) Talking to Phillip and Alex.
(b) Crying.
(c) Screaming in anger.
(d) Working out something in his head.

4. What is Georgie doing during the Saturday outings?
(a) Playing with children his own age.
(b) Playing with Phillip.
(c) Talking to his father and Mr. Shackleford.
(d) Sitting by himself.

5. What does Mr. Carver say to Alex and Phillip after speaking with the minister?
(a) "I want to get to the airport and see Mrs. Stockwell off."
(b) "I want to stop at the Red Lantern on the way home."
(c) "I want to get home and see what the girls have prepared for me."
(d) "I want to move to Manhattan with you, Phillip."

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the Shacklefords greet the Carvers when they arrive in Nashville?

2. Why do the Carvers move from Thornton to Nashville?

3. What does the minister give Mr. Carver when he arrives at the church?

4. What news does Mr. Carver have for Phillip?

5. How does Phillip feel about the furnishings in his house?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 9, Phillip explains the difference between his father and Alex Mercer as an important factor in their friendship. What is this difference?

2. In Chapter 10, Phillip comes to a realization about his father and the move to Memphis. What does he decide regarding his father's move with the family to a new city to begin again?

3. At the end of Chapter 12, what does the reader know about all of the main characters?

4. In Chapter 8, Alex, Phillip and Father pull up to the house from the church. What is happening as they arrive? Why?

5. In Chapter 9, Phillip gives us a glimpse of Holly's life. How do we learn about Holly and how she fits into her family?

6. In Chapter 12, Phillip begins calling his father on a weekly basis. Why are those calls important to Phillip?

7. While flying to Memphis in Chapter 7, Philip thinks about his course of action with his sister who he fears are planning vengeance on their father. What does Phillip want to convince the sisters to do?

8. In Chapter 11, Phillip allows Alex's car to remain in the driveway which blocks his father's car from exiting. What debate might be waging in his mind while he delays his father's departure?

9. In Chapter 9, both Phillip and Holly begin to understand their fathers and see them as people. Holly encourages them both to go beyond forgiveness and forgetting and aspire to true understanding. How does Phillip remember his father's life growing up?

10. In Chapter 10, how does Lewis Shackleford see his friend, George Carver? What traits does he admire in his friend?

(see the answer keys)

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