A Summons to Memphis Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Summons to Memphis Test | Final Test - Easy

Peter Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once back in their routines together, Alex and Holly find themselves talking about what subject?
(a) Going to Memphis to see Alex's family.
(b) Caring for their parents but not wanting to see them.
(c) Having a baby.
(d) Getting married.

2. How long after the move to Nashville does Lewis Shackleford betray Mr. Carver?
(a) Twenty years.
(b) Two years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Six years.

3. What does Phillip know about Alex Mercer after Mr. Carver dies?
(a) Alex and his family moved to Nashville.
(b) Alex is dealing with his two aging parents.
(c) Alex lives in Memphis and is chair of the department.
(d) Nothing; the two have not been in contact.

4. What does Mr. Carver say to Alex and Phillip after speaking with the minister?
(a) "I want to get to the airport and see Mrs. Stockwell off."
(b) "I want to get home and see what the girls have prepared for me."
(c) "I want to move to Manhattan with you, Phillip."
(d) "I want to stop at the Red Lantern on the way home."

5. What does Alex do upon arriving at the front door in Chapter 8?
(a) Drives away without stopping.
(b) He refuses to get out of the car and drives away.
(c) Walks in and confronts Betsy and Josephine.
(d) Begins arguing with Horace to move the truck.

6. When Phillip sees his father for the weekend getaway, how does Mr. Carver look?
(a) He is feeble and unhappy.
(b) He seems to have shrunken, his hair has thinned, and his sight is bad.
(c) He seems to be healthier and happier than ever.
(d) He has lost his ability to walk without assistance.

7. How does Phillip begin his description of Mr. Carver and Mr. Shackleford?
(a) They are ruthless, and not concerned with others.
(b) They are mature, and excellent dressers.
(c) They are serious, not humorous or philosophizing.
(d) They are shy and retiring.

8. Where do Phillip's sisters live after their father dies?
(a) In their father's house.
(b) They move to Paris.
(c) They move back to their own homes.
(d) They move back to Nashville.

9. Why do the Carvers move from Thornton to Nashville?
(a) So Georgie would meet new friends.
(b) So the girls could be part of Nashville society.
(c) So Mr. Carver could work exclusively for Lewis Shackleford.
(d) So Phillip would have a good education.

10. What is Georgie doing during the Saturday outings?
(a) Playing with children his own age.
(b) Talking to his father and Mr. Shackleford.
(c) Sitting by himself.
(d) Playing with Phillip.

11. What happens in town when George Carver is born?
(a) Firestation sirens are rung.
(b) Firecrackers are set off.
(c) Police cars sound their sirens.
(d) Church bells ring and guns are fired.

12. What does Josephine whisper to Phillip on his way out of his father's house?
(a) The sisters were going to find a new house for their father.
(b) The sisters were going to open a family business with Father.
(c) The two women were retiring from their business.
(d) The sisters were going to put Father in a retirement home.

13. What does Phillip do two days after returning to New York?
(a) He writes a letter to his father about his sisters.
(b) He begins a series of weekly phone calls with his father.
(c) He calls Alex and says he cannot come to Memphis.
(d) He asks Holly to travel to Europe with him.

14. What does Father say to Betsy and Josephine inside the house?
(a) "Why are you moving into my house?"
(b) "What are we having for lunch?"
(c) "Please leave me alone."
(d) "Welcome home, girls."

15. What is Alex's plan for Phillip as the two men drive to the airport?
(a) Phillip should move to Memphis and live in the house with his father.
(b) Phillip should take his father away from his sisters and bring him to New York.
(c) Phillip should marry Holly Kaplan and leave Manhattan.
(d) Phillip should move to Memphis and donate his rare book collection to the college.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Phillip realize on his trip home to Memphis?

2. How does Mr. Carver react to the news Betsy brought?

3. How does Mr. Carver react to Phillip's arrival?

4. What is happening at Mr. Carver's home?

5. What does Phillip give Holly upon his return from Memphis?

(see the answer keys)

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