A Summons to Memphis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Summons to Memphis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Peter Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Phillip, how many children do Alex and his wife have?
(a) Five or six.
(b) Seven.
(c) Two.
(d) Three or four.

2. How do Betsy and Josephine refer to the women Mr. Carver begins dating after he dates older women?
(a) "Gold diggers."
(b) "Opportunists."
(c) "Floozies."
(d) "Youngish women."

3. Within a few weeks of meeting Clara, where does Phillip begin spending his Saturday nights?
(a) At used book stores.
(b) At the library.
(c) At Clara's parents' house.
(d) At restaurants.

4. Who does Mr. Carver confide in when he wants to block Phillip from marrying his girlfriend in Chattanooga?
(a) Mother.
(b) Betsy.
(c) Alex Mercer.
(d) Josephine.

5. Both Betsy and Josephine call to give Phillip what news?
(a) Their father is remarrying.
(b) Their father has eloped with a young woman.
(c) Their father is deathly ill.
(d) Their father is moving back to Nashville.

6. Where do both Betsy and Josephine have their social debuts?
(a) New Orleans society.
(b) Memphis society.
(c) Thornton society.
(d) Nashville society.

7. What does Mr. Carver represent to Alex?
(a) Practicality.
(b) Sophistication.
(c) Intellectualism.
(d) Curiosity.

8. What concern does Alex have about George's dating?
(a) He will spend all of the family's money.
(b) Father will die before his time.
(c) His daughters will interfere.
(d) He will lose his inheritance.

9. How does Phillip react to his sister's descriptions of their dates and their love affairs?
(a) He is happy for them.
(b) He is angry about their lies.
(c) He is simultaneously amused and pained.
(d) He is curious and interested.

10. Who does Phillip believe his sister Betsy is going to the bars with while watching her father?
(a) No one.
(b) Howard.
(c) Her new fiance.
(d) A friend from work.

11. Phiilip left his family home in Memphis before he was how old?
(a) 25.
(b) 50.
(c) 30.
(d) 20.

12. What other places does Mr. Carver frequent?
(a) The Blue Room and the Red Parrot.
(b) The Garden Restaurant and The Key Club.
(c) The Country Club and the University Club.
(d) The Winsor Court and the Grand Hotel.

13. Where does Georgie work before joining the army?
(a) The Small Business Association.
(b) The state senate.
(c) A local hardware chain.
(d) His father's law firm.

14. Why does Father think Betsy and Wyant have disappeared from the caravan to Memphis?
(a) They have had an accident.
(b) They have gotten lost.
(c) They have eloped.
(d) They have committed a crime.

15. What is the name of the street on which the family first lives in Memphis?
(a) Stonewall Place.
(b) Thornton Drive.
(c) Shackleford Way.
(d) Huxley Ave.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mr. Carver wearing when he arrives at Alex Mercer's home the first time?

2. What dance do Betsy and Josephine try and convince the bands to play?

3. How old is Phillip when he first meets Clara?

4. How does Georgie die?

5. What are Alex's first words to Phillip?

(see the answer keys)

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