A Summer to Die Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Summer to Die Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Clarice call Charles?
(a) To ask about Will.
(b) To offer him a job.
(c) To check on Molly.
(d) To find out his schedule.

2. How does Meg get to Ben's house when Maria is in labor?
(a) She rides her bike.
(b) She walks.
(c) Her father drives her.
(d) She rides a horse.

3. What does Charles hear about Ben and Maria that he doesn't like?
(a) They hate the government.
(b) They don't have jobs.
(c) They aren't married.
(d) They are having their baby at home.

4. What does Meg accuse Molly of before she goes back into the hospital?
(a) She is making her illness sound worse than it is.
(b) She stops going to school all together.
(c) She is wearing her nightgown in the afternoon.
(d) She is always crying.

5. Why does Maria ask Meg to do something during her birth?
(a) She doesn't want to pay someone else.
(b) She has always wanted this.
(c) She wants Meg there.
(d) She wants to distract Meg.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Molly act when she stops being grouchy?

2. Who caters to Molly when she comes home from the hospital?

3. What object does Molly yell at Meg to get off of her side of the room?

4. How does Lydia feel about Will's visits to the house?

5. How does Charles describe dying?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Meg so surprised when Molly wants to meet Ben and Maria?

2. What does Molly ask of Meg as she is taken to the hospital again?

3. Why does Maria ask a favor of Meg while Molly is in the hospital again?

4. What happens that makes Meg decide she needs to visit Molly in the hospital?

5. What does Meg think when Molly climbs into her father's lap?

6. How does Meg realize the true nature of Molly's condition?

7. What does Meg first see when she comes to Maria's house while she is in labor?

8. What strange thing does Ben show Meg in the garden?

9. Why does Will tell Meg she needs to come back to the country in the Fall?

10. How does Meg feel when Molly goes back to the hospital and why does she feel this way?

(see the answer keys)

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