A Suitable Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Suitable Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose birthday turns out to be a self-pity party in Part 16?
(a) Savita's.
(b) Lata's.
(c) Malati's.
(d) Mrs. Rupa Mehra's.

2. Who brings the news that Nehru has resigned from the Congress Working Committee in Part 14?
(a) Joshi.
(b) Kabir.
(c) Rajkumar.
(d) Jha.

3. Who does Mrs. Rupa learn in a letter had become engaged in Part 15?
(a) Meenakshi.
(b) Kakoli.
(c) Lata.
(d) Savita.

4. Who has committed suicide following the finding that the Zamindari Act is constitutional in Part 19?
(a) Lata.
(b) Amit.
(c) Tapan.
(d) Rasheed.

5. Who is imprisoned after a bloody incident at Saeeda Bai's house in Part 17?
(a) Arun.
(b) Maan.
(c) Pran.
(d) Haresh.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the thirteen-year-old brother of Dipankar?

2. Who does Mrs. Rupa learn in a letter had miscarried in Part 15?

3. Mahesh Kapoor challenges who for evicting tenants from their lands in Part 14?

4. What residence does Maan go to stay at following the hunt in Part 10?

5. In what year did India gain independence from Great Britain?

(see the answer keys)

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