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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How tall is Holmes?
(a) 6 feet 2 inches.
(b) 5 feet 9 inches.
(c) Over 6 feet.
(d) About 5 feet 11 inches.
2. In Part 1: Chapter 4, who is the only person that Rance says he saw after finding the body?
(a) Young man.
(b) Old lady.
(c) A drunk.
(d) Elderly man.
3. In Part 1: Chapter 3, where is the man from who is found dead off Brixton Road?
(a) Indiana.
(b) Missouri.
(c) Illinois.
(d) Ohio.
4. In Part 1: Chapter 1, where do Watson and other officers go safely after war breaks out?
(a) Bangalore.
(b) Dhaka.
(c) Candahar.
(d) Hyderabad.
5. What is Lestrade's occupation?
(a) Constable.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Detective.
(d) Police officer.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does a retired sergeant of Marines deliver to Sherlock in Part 1: Chapter 2?
2. At the end of Part 1: Chapter 6, where is Joseph Stangerson found murdered?
3. What color hair does Gregson have?
4. In Part 1: Chapter 1, who does Stamford say that he saw Holmes beating?
5. When Rance found the body and blew his whislte, how many came to his aid in Part 1: Chapter 4?
Short Essay Questions
1. In Part 1: Chapter 6, what news does Lestrade come to share?
2. How is Watson injuried when he is in Afghanistan, and where is he taken afterwards?
3. How does Watson find it to be living with Holmes?
4. How does Holmes catch the murderer?
5. What happens when Holmes tries to follow the woman who claims the ring he advertised in a lost and found ad?
6. In Part 1: Chapter 4, how does Holmes determine that the murdere had long nails and smoked a Trichinopoly cigar?
7. In Part 1: Chapter 2, how does Watson describe Holmes's appearance?
8. What shortcomings do Holmes and Watson share when they consider taking lodgings together?
9. How does Holmes determine that the pills in Stangerson's room are poison?
10. What news does Gregson share with Holmes in Part 1: Chapter 6?
This section contains 987 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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