A String in the Harp Test | Final Test - Easy

Nancy Bond
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A String in the Harp Test | Final Test - Easy

Nancy Bond
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jen's first course cooking alone turn out?
(a) It is a disaster.
(b) It is edible.
(c) It is burnt.
(d) It is wonderful.

2. How does Taliesin feel when he walks across the peaceful field?
(a) Frustrated.
(b) Anxious.
(c) Happy.
(d) Tired.

3. What happens when Becky holds Peter's key?
(a) It sings.
(b) Nothing.
(c) She sees a vision.
(d) It burns her hand.

4. How does David know John Owen?
(a) They went to school together.
(b) He knew David's wife.
(c) He works with Dr. Rhys.
(d) They were neighbors.

5. How does Jen help Mrs. Evans when the wild animals are seen in the fields?
(a) She tells her about the carnival.
(b) She helps her cook.
(c) She puts the kids to bed.
(d) She brings Rhian home.

6. Whom does David take with him to Cardiff?
(a) His date.
(b) His assistant teacher.
(c) His children.
(d) His partner.

7. Why can't Peter read Taliesin's head stone?
(a) It is too dark.
(b) It is in a different language.
(c) All of these.
(d) It is damaged.

8. What does Jen tell David to do with the key?
(a) Let Peter have it.
(b) Give Peter a week to make a decision.
(c) Sell it to the museum.
(d) Confiscate it.

9. Who tells the police about the wolf kill?
(a) Mr. Roberts.
(b) Gwilym.
(c) Peter.
(d) David.

10. What does Jen think about Peter for finishing the mission with the key?
(a) He is being judgmental.
(b) He is hiding from his problems.
(c) He is trying to feel like he belongs.
(d) He is being unselfish.

11. What does Dr. Rhys do when he hears about Peter's key?
(a) He almost faints.
(b) He laughs with glee.
(c) He gets concerned.
(d) He gets excited.

12. What does Dr. Rhys say that shocks Jen?
(a) He has seen them as well.
(b) He believes Peter.
(c) He knows Taliesin.
(d) He was hoping this would happen.

13. Who did Dr. Owen talk to about Jen?
(a) Mr. Evans.
(b) Dr. Rhys.
(c) Mrs. Davies.
(d) David.

14. Why does Mrs. Davies leave Jen alone for a while?
(a) David stops paying her.
(b) She gets sick.
(c) Jen has learned all she needs to.
(d) Her daughter has a baby.

15. Who argues with Jen about who once lived in Cardiff?
(a) David.
(b) Peter.
(c) Becky.
(d) Gwylim.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who shows David Bedd Taliesin?

2. What is wrong with the chicken Jen buys at the butcher?

3. How do the police respond to the news of the dead wolf?

4. What wild animals are spotted in some fields?

5. What does Becky say about the priceless bowl in the museum?

(see the answer keys)

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