A Storm of Swords Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Storm of Swords Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Daenerys parley with in Yunkai?
(a) Wildings.
(b) The Brotherhood Without Banners.
(c) An envoy from Astapor.
(d) Three captains of the Stormcrow sellswords.

2. How is Sandor tried?
(a) By battle.
(b) In a court.
(c) With magic.
(d) He is executed without a trial.

3. Who does Tywin want Willas Tyrell to marry?
(a) Cersei Lannister.
(b) Roslin Frey.
(c) Arya Stark.
(d) Sansa Stark.

4. Who is the Mad Huntsman?
(a) A guard for Lord Jon Connington.
(b) An archer for Robert Baratheon.
(c) A farmer who hates the Lannisters.
(d) A farmer who hates the Starks.

5. Who attacks the Wall in Chapter 1?
(a) The wildings.
(b) The Northmen.
(c) The Others.
(d) Daenerys Targaryen.

6. Who does Jamie Lannister love?
(a) Arya.
(b) Brienne.
(c) Cersei.
(d) Summer.

7. Who does Robb hold responsible for the deaths of Willem Lannister and Tion Frey?
(a) Eddard Stark.
(b) Vargo Frey.
(c) Ser Cleos Frey.
(d) Lord Rickard Karstark.

8. Who does Tywin want to have elected as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch?
(a) Lord Janos Slynt.
(b) Lord Alester Florent.
(c) Ser Edmure Tully.
(d) Tyrion.

9. Who is Catelyn Stark's sister?
(a) Arya.
(b) Sansa.
(c) Brienne.
(d) Lysa.

10. Who protects Jon Snow by claiming they are lovers?
(a) Shae.
(b) Arya.
(c) Ygritte.
(d) Brienne.

11. Why do Arya, Gendry, and the outlaws visit the Lady of the Leaves?
(a) To find out the location of Lord Beric.
(b) To secure an amulet that wards off the Others.
(c) To parley with the Wildings.
(d) To hear the prophecy of the Iron Throne.

12. How do the members of the Brotherhood without Banners pay the Lady of the Leaves?
(a) With a silver coin.
(b) With a song.
(c) With an amethyst.
(d) With an iron coin.

13. Who calms the frightened Hodor in Queenscrown?
(a) Jojen.
(b) Meera.
(c) Bran.
(d) Jon.

14. Who is a funeral held for at Crastor's Keep?
(a) Gilly.
(b) Bannen.
(c) Grenn.
(d) Mormont.

15. Why does Lady Catelyn Stark help Jamie Lannister escape from prison?
(a) He is the true heir to the Iron Throne.
(b) To secure the release of her daughters.
(c) Jamie's father, Tywin, bribed Catelyn.
(d) She and Jamie are lovers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is thrown in the cell with Davos?

2. Which character is raised from the dead after Sandor's trial?

3. Who does Edmure agree to marry to mend the alliance?

4. Who catches Arya Stark in Chapter 48?

5. Which captain agrees to side with Daenerys as she attacks Yunkai?

(see the answer keys)

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