A Storm of Swords Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Storm of Swords Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 67, Tyrion | Chapter 68, Jaime.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Jeyne come to Roslin's wedding?
(a) She is close to delivering her first child.
(b) She is ill.
(c) The Freys might be offended by her presence.
(d) Robb fears for her safety.

2. Which wight does Sam kill with an ember from the fire?
(a) Jarl.
(b) Sandor.
(c) Small Paul.
(d) Chett.

3. Who does Sansa marry in Chapter 29?
(a) Willas.
(b) Tyrion.
(c) Tywin.
(d) Joffrey.

4. Who acts as a stool during Sansa's wedding?
(a) Willas.
(b) Tyrion.
(c) Donto.
(d) Joffrey.

5. Who is the Mad Huntsman?
(a) An archer for Robert Baratheon.
(b) A guard for Lord Jon Connington.
(c) A farmer who hates the Lannisters.
(d) A farmer who hates the Starks.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which knight does Jaime force to swear an oath of loyalty to the crown in Chapter 68?

2. What does Arya give the men in cages?

3. Who catches Arya Stark in Chapter 48?

4. Who is Cersi's champion in the trial of Joffrey's murder?

5. Who will judge Joffrey's murder trial with Tywin?

(see the answer key)

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