A Sport and a Pastime Character Descriptions

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A Sport and a Pastime Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Philip Dean - He is an American whom the narrator first meets at a party in Paris with the Wheatlands.

The Narrator - This character, who remains anonymous throughout the novel, is mainly a passive force in the story's narrative.

Cristina Wheatland - She is one of the narrator's closest friends.

Billy Wheatland - He is a former hockey player who owns the house the narrator uses in Autun.

Claude Picquet - She is a waitress in Autun whom the narrator finds attractive but never makes any serious attempt to woo.

Anne-Marie - She is a French girl the narrator and Dean first see at a night club in Dijon.

Isabel - She goes out with the narrator, the Wheatlands, and Philip Dean after the party in the story's opening chapters.

Danielle - She is one of Anne-Marie's friends and her existence annoys Dean who wants...

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