A Sparrow Falls Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Sparrow Falls Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mark Anders do to Pungushe?
(a) Kills him.
(b) Locks him up.
(c) Frees him.
(d) Takes him to jail.

2. What is Pungushe by profession?
(a) A butler.
(b) A gardener.
(c) A warrior.
(d) A bartender.

3. Where does Mark Anders decide to go after the phone call that both the General and Ruth take?
(a) Durban.
(b) Ladysburg.
(c) Andersland.
(d) Fordsburg.

4. Whose bodies are buried together?
(a) Ruth's and Dirk's.
(b) Sean Courtney's and Dirk's.
(c) None of the above.
(d) Sean Courtney's and Ruth's.

5. What can be said of the character of Derek Hunt?
(a) He is a generous man.
(b) He is a very honest man.
(c) He is a man with no scruples.
(d) He is a very genuine person.

6. Who waits in the truck with Peter when it is decided to go to Durban?
(a) Pungushe.
(b) Mark Anders.
(c) Dirk Courtney.
(d) Ronald Pye.

7. Who is making an attack with horse artillery batteries?
(a) Mark Anders.
(b) General Sean Courtney.
(c) Fergus MacDonald.
(d) Harry Fisher.

8. Who is the father of Storm's son?
(a) Derek Hunt.
(b) Dicky Lancome.
(c) Mark Anders.
(d) None of the above.

9. Who or what is Emoyeni?
(a) General Sean Courtney's dog.
(b) General Sean Courtney's horse.
(c) General Sean Courtney's home.
(d) General Sean Courtney's home town.

10. What does the lioness sense when she is busy with her cubs and decides to move them?
(a) That she is going to be killed.
(b) That she is being followed.
(c) A change in weather.
(d) That one of her cubs is missing.

11. Where is Storm's cottage?
(a) Umhlanga Meadows.
(b) Umhlanga Rocks.
(c) Umhlanga Hills.
(d) Umhlanga Townhomes.

12. Which article catches Mark Anders's eye?
(a) An article on Dirk Courtney.
(b) An article on Storm.
(c) An article on the Prime Minister.
(d) An article on General Sean Courtney.

13. What happens when Mark Anders gets the right moment for a perfect shot to shoot the lioness?
(a) None of the above.
(b) His rifle falls down.
(c) He faints.
(d) He starts crying.

14. Who is the man that Dirk Courtney kills?
(a) A soldier.
(b) Mbejane.
(c) Dicky Lancome.
(d) Harry Fisher.

15. Who falsifies the tracks made by the lion?
(a) One of Dirk Courtney'smen.
(b) Mark Anders and Pungushe.
(c) Mark Anders.
(d) Pungushe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Storm cry when Mark Anders tells her something about his past?

2. Where does Mark Anders go after leaving Lion's Kop?

3. What does General Sean Courtney tell Mark Anders about their seat in Parliament?

4. Whom does Mark Anders shoot when at the Crown Mine's haulage?

5. Are the men and Dirk Courtney able to find the lioness?

(see the answer keys)

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