A Solitary Blue Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Solitary Blue Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the girl do when she returns a week later after running away from Jeff and his guitar?
(a) Brings him a book
(b) Sings along with him
(c) She hugs him
(d) Kisses him

2. Who is waiting for Jeff when he returns to the Baltimore airport this time?
(a) The Professor
(b) Brother Thomas
(c) No one
(d) Melody

3. Where did Dicey and her siblings travel from when their mother was put into a hospital?
(a) Maine
(b) Connecticut
(c) Massachusetts
(d) Delaware

4. Jeff feels that if he didn't keep all of his emotions hidden away, he would fall apart into ______________.
(a) A mess
(b) A pile of feathers
(c) Broken pieces
(d) A quiet song

5. The Professor talks about how his book has been successful, and that they can move to a _____________ in Baltimore if they want.
(a) Mansion
(b) Condominium
(c) New apartment
(d) Fancy house

Short Answer Questions

1. Melody says that she couldn't be happy knowing about the situation in ___________ and doing nothing.

2. Jeff finds the girl's ____________ appealing and he likes the way she is helpless to the music.

3. What is NOT one of the things Jeff does to protect the emotions he is feeling about Melody?

4. Dicey asks Jeff to go _____________ and he almost says no, but accepts and is glad that he did.

5. Sammy tells Jeff that Sammy's mother was more than just one _______________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sammy think that if his sister turned out to be like their mom it wouldn't be a bad thing?

2. Why does Jeff begin to ride the roller coasters after returning home to his father's house?

3. Why does Jeff decide to stay instead of running away from Melody as she sits on the lawn?

4. What does Jeff do for the Tillermans, though he has gone out of his way to avoid them after Melody's visit?

5. What does Jeff realize about Dicey when Dicey's mother dies?

6. What does Jeff begin to do in order to see Dicey more often, meeting her brother at the same time?

7. What does Jeff begin to realize the principal at his school and Melody did when he receives all As?

8. When Jeff is asked to write an essay about a real character for his English class, who does he write about?

9. What kind of business does Jeff set up over the summer with the help of the Tillermans?

10. Why is the Professor worried when Gambo's lawyer is coming to visit their house?

(see the answer keys)

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