Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is Crane-man?
2. What was Tree-ear supposed to do with the wood?
3. What does Min do as Tree-ear is holding some nesting boxes?
4. What news did a boat bring to Tree-ear's village?
5. Where did Tree-ear and Crane-man live during the winter?
Short Essay Questions
1. What will Tree-ear and Crane-man have to do for the winter?
2. How does Crane-man feel about Tree-ear's behavior?
3. What is the story of how Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man?
4. Why does Tree-ear feel guilty at home on his first night of work? What does he decide to do about his shame?
5. What does Tree-ear ask Min when his nine days are done and what is Min's response?
6. What do the potters in town do about the news?
7. Why does Tree-ear go to Min's house?
8. How does Tree-ear break one of Min's boxes?
9. How interesting is Tree-ear's third kind of job and why is it more difficult?
10. What does Tree-ear do the day before the big event and what does Min order him to do?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss the following:
1. What do you think are the characteristics of a successful novel?
2. Analyze and discuss A Single Shard based upon the criteria you decide upon in #1 and judge if A Single Shard is a successful novel.
3. Do you think the criteria for a successful novel should be different if it is written for young teens versus adults? Why or why not? Would most adults consider A Single Shard a successful novel? What about young teens?
Essay Topic 2
While Tree-ear was on his first day at his job with Min Crane-man tried to catch a flounder but was unable to do so. In a fit of anger he hit a rock with his crutch and broke the crutch. Tree-ear felt guilty that he was not there to catch flounder and that he did not even think of Crane-man when he ate his midday meal.
1. What can be learned from Crane-man breaking his crutch in a fit of anger? Include examples from the book and your own life to illustrate your answer.
2. Do you think Tree-ear should have felt guilty about not bringing Crane-man some of his midday food considering the amount of physical labor Tree-ear had to do? Why or why not? Include examples from the book and your own life to illustrate your answer.
3. Although Crane-man did not get a flounder and he broke his crutch and Tree-ear felt ashamed about his selfishness, they ended the evening having fun with each other. Talk about the character traits this type of ending to a hard day indicates. Include examples from the book and your own life to illustrate your answer.
Essay Topic 3
To win a commission from the royal palace is something all potters want and something Min needs in order to allow him to survive working at the slow pace in which he works. However, Kang threatens this for Min, leaving Tree-ear uncertain for both their futures. This foreshadows a moment when Tree-ear will tell Min of this work.
1. What is foreshadowing? Would you consider the example in the above paragraph as foreshadowing? Why or why not? Include examples from the book and your own life to illustrate your answer.
2. Discuss another example of foreshadowing in A Single Shard including why you believe it is such. Include examples from the book and your own life to illustrate your answer.
3. How do you think most people react to uncertainty in their lives? Use examples from A Single Shard and your own life to support your opinion.
This section contains 1,048 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |