A Single Shard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Single Shard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the bandit say to Tree-ear when a second man overcame the boy and Tree-ear still struggled?
(a) They only wanted his coins.
(b) To stop, or they would do worse than robbery.
(c) He didn't have anything they wanted.
(d) They only wanted food.

2. Why did Min tell Tree-ear to go collect some wood?
(a) To build himself a wheel.
(b) To repair the roof on the house.
(c) So his wife could cook dinner.
(d) To fill the kiln.

3. What animal did Tree-ear see on his first night of sleeping alone in the woods?
(a) A rabbit.
(b) A snake.
(c) A fox.
(d) A racoon.

4. What did Min give Tree-ear for the journey?
(a) A coat.
(b) A bank draft.
(c) A string of coins.
(d) A letter to the emissary.

5. Why was Tree-ear happy with Min's behavior over the red and white clay?
(a) Min complimented him enthusiastically.
(b) Min told him to do more.
(c) It was the first time Tree-ear had the draining correct.
(d) Min took the clay without a single word.

6. What does Min tell the emissary about bringing an inlay vessel to him later?
(a) He is too old to make the journey.
(b) He would send his brother.
(c) He was retiring.
(d) He would do it.

7. What did Min do after the inscribing and the inlay were done?
(a) Squared up the base of the vessel.
(b) Put holes where the handles would go.
(c) Removed all excess slip.
(d) Remove the inlays for firing.

8. What did Tree-ear decide about not being allowed to use the potter's wheel?
(a) He would change Min's mind.
(b) He would become a blacksmith.
(c) There is more than one way to make pottery.
(d) He would move to another village.

9. How did Min vary the etching work?
(a) Sketchy tracing alternating with the cutting out.
(b) Sketch the first vase then cut it.
(c) Sketch the flowers, scoop them out, then draw the vines.
(d) He didn't vary the work he sketched the entire design then cut it.

10. What did Min begin to do after selecting a design for the inlay?
(a) Began incising it.
(b) Drew the design on a piece of cloth.
(c) Drew it on a piece of tracing paper.
(d) Cut it deeply into the vessels.

11. How does Tree-ear act towards Crane-man when he comes back to the bridge after his pack is done?
(a) Happy.
(b) Angry.
(c) Respectful.
(d) Sad.

12. Why did Min smash all the vases that had inlays?
(a) The glaze had been ruined with brown splotches.
(b) The inlays had fallen out.
(c) The vessels had cracked.
(d) The vessels had fused.

13. What does Tree-ear think about as he and Min are hanging up clothes?
(a) If Min might adopt him.
(b) How he can repay the kindness.
(c) What happened to Min's son.
(d) Why Min is so nice to him.

14. How often did Tree-ear eat on the second part of his journey?
(a) Twice a day.
(b) Every day.
(c) Every two days.
(d) Every other day.

15. How long was Kang's commission to last?
(a) One year.
(b) For his life.
(c) Two years.
(d) Six months.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Tree-ear do just before he started descending off the Rock?

2. What happens to the vessels if the heat in the kiln rises too fast?

3. What song did Tree-ear begin to sing while he was walking?

4. In what shape was Min making his pottery in anticipation of the emissary's final visit?

5. Who was the first person Tree-ear talked to when he arrived back at the village?

(see the answer keys)

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