A Severe Mercy Test | Final Test - Easy

Sheldon Vanauken
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Severe Mercy Test | Final Test - Easy

Sheldon Vanauken
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes the moments Van reflects on in "The Severe Mercy" imperfect?
(a) Hatred is everywhere.
(b) Time affected them.
(c) People are not perfect.
(d) Memory tainted them.

2. Who says Davy's death is a severe mercy?
(a) Van.
(b) A newspaper.
(c) C.S. Lewis.
(d) Davy's sister.

3. Why does Van seek eternity in "The Severe Mercy?"
(a) To be free of time.
(b) To be with Davy.
(c) To end the pain.
(d) To meet God.

4. What was Joy dying of?
(a) Bone cancer.
(b) Old age.
(c) Brain cancer.
(d) Heart disease.

5. What comforted Van when he learns of C.S. Lewis' death?
(a) That he was with Davy.
(b) That Christians never say goodbye.
(c) That he had been rewarded by God.
(d) That he would see him again.

6. Why did Van borrow back the letters Davy wrote to her friends?
(a) To bury them with her.
(b) To form a collection.
(c) To burn.
(d) To look for signs she loved him.

7. What flower did Van decide to bring Davy every day she was in the hospital?
(a) Carnations.
(b) Tulips.
(c) Roses.
(d) Daisies.

8. Where did Van go at the end of the book?
(a) To London.
(b) To France.
(c) Back to Virginia.
(d) To Russia.

9. How does C.S. Lewis describe Van and Davy's decision to not have children?
(a) An error.
(b) An excuse.
(c) A result of fear.
(d) A catastrophe.

10. What does Lewis say is most important about eternity in "The Severe Mercy?"
(a) Being with God.
(b) Seeing Davy again.
(c) Getting to know everything.
(d) Being free of time.

11. How did Van start a social group in Virginia like the one he had at Oxford?
(a) He called C.S. Lewis.
(b) He invited a student over.
(c) He had Davy invite friends over.
(d) He put up posters.

12. How did C.S. Lewis respond to Van's analogy of the "Davies?"
(a) He complimented Van on it.
(b) He reprimanded Van for it.
(c) He ignored it.
(d) He laughed at it.

13. What did Davy have with her in the hospital when she returned the second time?
(a) Julian's Bible.
(b) One of Van's poems.
(c) One of her paintings.
(d) Jane's letters.

14. How did Van greet Davy in "Epilogue: The Second Death?"
(a) With a handshake.
(b) With a hug.
(c) With a kiss.
(d) He was too afraid to move.

15. What does Van decide could replace nostalgia?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Realizing time moves people closer to God.
(c) Reminders to live for the present.
(d) Daily tasks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What upset Van about his letters to Davy in "Epilogue: The Second Death?"

2. What did Van do with Davy's ring when he sailed to England?

3. What did Davy's friends give her after she returned home in "The Deathly Snows?"

4. What emotion did Lewis praise in Van in "The Way of Grief?"

5. What did Davy offer in return for Van's soul in "The Barrier Breached?"

(see the answer keys)

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