A Scanner Darkly Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Scanner Darkly Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has Kimberly had a big fight with?
(a) Her boyfriend
(b) Her husband
(c) Her brother
(d) Her girlfriend

2. What has Barris promised to fix?
(a) Arctor's car
(b) Arctor's Cephscope
(c) Arctor's gun
(d) Arctor's suit

3. What is Donna's last name?
(a) Luckman
(b) Freck
(c) Hawthorne
(d) Barris

4. Where does Freck think he should go for detoxification?
(a) The Right-Way
(b) New-Path
(c) Samson's
(d) Betty Ford

5. What do the medical officers say there has has been a split between?
(a) The pushers and the dealers
(b) The pimps and the prostitutes
(c) Europe and America
(d) The right and left hemisperes

6. Where is Fred summoned to after his meeting with Hank?
(a) Headquarters
(b) His superior's office
(c) Room 101
(d) Room 203

7. What book does Fabin use to research bugs?
(a) The Britannica
(b) Giddon's Encyclopedia
(c) The Oracle
(d) The Oxford Book of Bugs

8. What does Fabin believe is plaguing him?
(a) Bugs
(b) Rabbits
(c) Rats
(d) Childen

9. What problem did Thelma Kornford have?
(a) Stalker problem
(b) Drug problem
(c) Love problem
(d) Bug problem

10. What type of bugs does Fabin believe is plaguing him?
(a) Grasshoppers
(b) Dragonflies
(c) Locusts
(d) Aphids

11. How do some narks become very rich?
(a) Pimping out girls
(b) Selling information
(c) Blackmail
(d) Dealing drugs

12. What has Barris left for Donna?
(a) A note
(b) Some drugs
(c) A book
(d) A gun

13. What is the street name for the drug called slow death?
(a) Substance D
(b) Substance G
(c) Amphetamine
(d) Yellow

14. What does Fabin frequently spray himself with?
(a) Hair spray
(b) Deodrant
(c) Tan spray
(d) Bug spray

15. What do straights think Arctor looks like?
(a) A family man
(b) A homeless man
(c) A drug pusher
(d) A hippie doper

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Charles say Donna would have sex in exchange for?

2. What does Hank want to use Arctor's house for?

3. What animal does Fred say he sees in the drawing?

4. What was Fabin's older brother according to Luckman's comedy routine?

5. Who fixes Arctor's car for $30?

(see the answer keys)

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