A Savage Place Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Savage Place Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Candy and Spenser eat lunch with at the beginning of Chapter 19?
(a) The station manager.
(b) A news director.
(c) Detective Samuelson.
(d) Peter Brewster.

2. What does Spenser do when Candy goes on a first dinner date after she is taken off the corruption story?
(a) Goes to a bar for dinner.
(b) Follows her.
(c) Calls Susan.
(d) Checks flights on the Internet.

3. What does the person who tells Candy to stop working on the corruption investigation offer Spenser at the same time?
(a) An extra week's pay.
(b) Tickets to a talk show.
(c) His private jet for the trip home.
(d) A long-term job with the station.

4. Who does Spenser say killed Candy and Franco, when he is in Peter Brewster's office?
(a) Matt Bezek.
(b) Roger Hammond.
(c) Peter Brewster.
(d) Rollie Simms.

5. How does Candy feel about the possibility that Peter Brewster might harm her?
(a) She is certain he will try to harm her.
(b) She is angry at the suggestion and defends him.
(c) She is confident that he won't harm her.
(d) She suspects he might try to harm her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Spenser and Candy go to find Sam Felton in Chapter 16?

2. Where is Spenser nearly run off by police after reporting the murder?

3. Who is Samuelson?

4. What does Candy decide to reveal to the police about Mickey's involvement in the corruption investigation in Chapter 16?

5. Where does Candy invite Spenser in Chapter 22?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Detective Samuelson respect Spenser?

2. What does Spenser do after finding Candy's dead body?

3. Why does Spenser go to Peter Brewster's office after Candy is killed?

4. How do Candy and Spenser get into Sam Felton's house?

5. What does Candy learn about the corruption investigation from Peter Brewster?

6. Why does Spenser lock himself in the office with Brewster and Simms?

7. What is the importance of Spenser teaching Candy how to shoot a gun?

8. Describe what happens when Spenser confronts Brewster at the Oceania offices.

9. Does Candy feel safe around Peter Brewster?

10. Why does Spenser refuse the extra week's pay he is offered by Candy's boss?

(see the answer keys)

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