A Salty Piece of Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Salty Piece of Land Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Before Tully confesses the truth, Donna Kay is afraid that Tully is wanted in Wyoming for what?
(a) Poaching.
(b) Murder.
(c) Embezzlement.
(d) Fraud.

2. What kind of party does Tully go to with Dawn and Noel-Christmas?
(a) Costume.
(b) Foam.
(c) Laser tag.
(d) Wine and cheese.

3. Where did Tully first see the Heart of the Andes?
(a) Key West Museum of Art.
(b) Laramie Art Museum.
(c) The Louvre.
(d) The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

4. Tully is wanted in Wyoming for throwing ________ through Thelma Barston's window.
(a) Massage table.
(b) Snowmobile.
(c) Saddle.
(d) Pink flamingo.

5. What is the name of the captain of the Lucretia?
(a) Captain Solomon.
(b) Captain Benjamin.
(c) Captain Kirk.
(d) Captain Coconuts.

6. What are the names of the bounty hunters who are after Tully?
(a) Waldo and Willard Sillard.
(b) Waldo and Walter Stiller.
(c) Waldo and Wendell. Stendell.
(d) Waldo and Wilton Stilton.

7. What was the gift given to Cleopatra for saving a stranded fisherman?
(a) Ruby encrusted cross.
(b) Diamond tiara.
(c) Emerald encrusted cross.
(d) Sapphire tiara.

8. In his letter to Willie Singer, Tully tells him a guy from __________ is coming to Lost Boys.
(a) Sports Illustrated.
(b) Time.
(c) People.
(d) New York Times.

9. What is the name of Tully's horse?
(a) Twila.
(b) Mr. Ed.
(c) Mr. Twain.
(d) Silver.

10. What year did Heart of the Andes first go on exhibit?
(a) 1829.
(b) 1892.
(c) 1895.
(d) 1859.

11. Willie Singer flies his plane under the ______________.
(a) St. Louis Arch.
(b) Jefferson Memorial.
(c) Golden Gate Bridge.
(d) George Washington Bridge.

12. Who painted Heart of the Andes?
(a) Frederic Church.
(b) Joseph DeCamp.
(c) Edouard Manet.
(d) Adam Brenner.

13. Who does Tex Sex resemble?
(a) Brad Pitt.
(b) Jude Law.
(c) George Clooney.
(d) Ashton Kutcher.

14. Where did Butch Cassidy run away to?
(a) Patagonia.
(b) Key West.
(c) Paris.
(d) Belize.

15. Where is the largest lighthouse in the Pacific located?
(a) Honolulu.
(b) New Caledonia.
(c) Pago Pago.
(d) Samoa.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was singing in the bar the night Kirk Patterson and Bucky Norman met?

2. What kind of company does Archie Mercer run in Belize?

3. What kind of radio does Tully's dad give him?

4. What do Tully and Dawn toast to with champagne?

5. Where does Dawn go to college?

(see the answer keys)

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