A Rumor of War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rumor of War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes the men to name one officer Captain Bligh?
(a) He orders the men to drop and do pushups for him.
(b) He punches out a PFC for talking back to him.
(c) He shouts at them for having dirty uniforms.
(d) He pulls a rifle inspection on the line and reams out the whole platoon.

2. What promise does Captain Neal make regardless of the ethic involved?
(a) Any Marine who kills a VC will be flown back to base camp.
(b) Any Marine who kills a VC will be given a promotion.
(c) Any Marine who kills a certified VC will get beer and time to drink it.
(d) Any Marine who kills a VC will be given a week's R and R.

3. What meal does Caputo order in Saigon that surprises the French speaking waiter?
(a) Rice with nouac-mam sauce
(b) Spaghetti and a bottle of Chianti
(c) Six hamburgers and a pitcher of beer
(d) Chateaubriand and a bottle of red wine

4. What comes by belatedly as Caputo watches?
(a) A convoy of Marines pulling howitzers
(b) A line of foot soldiers carrying bazookas
(c) A battalion of riot police
(d) A convoy of generals

5. Why is an artillery attack denied when a patrol advancing to the base is spotted?
(a) The higher commanders do not believe the report.
(b) A Marine patrol is lost out in the same area.
(c) New artillery ammunitions has not arrived.
(d) No one has the exact coordinates.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the paperwork in the adjutant's office appear to Caputo?

2. What are the new Marines of 1st Battalion like when they first arrive?

3. After Caputo's dream, what vision does he have in the daylight?

4. What is going on inside the operations tent the night of the assault?

5. What is Caputo's reply to an officer who says the PFCs are shooting at shadows again?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Corporal Stasek say about the bodies the colonel wants left out for the clerks and General Thompson to see?

2. Why are the VC attacking with small arms each night for several days?

3. How does the platoon snap and go on a rampage/

4. What does Caputo say about the effect of his job as Regimental Casualty Reporting Officer?

5. What becomes Caputo's chief responsibility and how does he begin to see himself?

6. What work has to be done as the Regimental HQ is moved to Dai-La Pass?

7. What is the ridiculous hold up in getting the evac helicopters to the platoon?

8. What are some of the contradictions Caputo itemizes about the war?

9. Why does Caputo volunteer for the line?

10. Why are the men of C Company pleased about the treats sent to them?

(see the answer keys)

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