A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rumor of War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What occurs as Caputo walks through the elephant grass in the jungle?
(a) He is almost shot by Lance Corporal Skates.
(b) He walks up on an Asian elephant.
(c) He comes face to face with a viet Cong.
(d) He steps on a land mine that fortunately does not detonate.

2. What is the stated interest of the U. S. government for war in Vietnam?
(a) To bolster the American economy
(b) To establish a permanent military base in Vietnam
(c) To abolish Communism in the world
(d) To get control of Vietnam's oil supply

3. What is the first offensive mission?
(a) Advance and wait
(b) Hit and run
(c) Hide and ambush
(d) Search and destroy

4. What is the real resistance walking from the L to the Vietnamese village?
(a) Constant sniper fire
(b) Muddy rice paddies
(c) Farmers armed with pitchforks
(d) The land, the sun, and the jungle

5. What are the two problems Caputo says are the worst while they guard the landing field?
(a) The long days and short nights
(b) The mosquitos and the pythons
(c) The heat and boredom
(d) The rain and bad food

Short Answer Questions

1. A book by what author is Caputo trying to read while waiting at the outpost on top of a hill?

2. What happens when Caputo drinks with some Australian soldiers?

3. What is the misconception the platoon has when they are deployed to Vietnam?

4. At what age does Philip Caputo enlist in the Marine Corps?

5. When the wounded VC's trail leads around a bend in the river, what choices does Caputo have?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Caputo's troublesome encounter with Sergeant Fred Wagoner?

2. Describe the French Fort overlooking the paddies west of Hill 327.

3. Explain what Caputo says is the worst thing about hiking in the jungle.

4. What does Caputo recall when the helicopter he is in draws ground fire?

5. After a group of VC disappears once again, what does Caputo want to believe?

6. Describe the platoon sergeant, William Campbell.

7. Early on the morning of his first assignment to go into combat, what fantasy goes through Caputo's head?

8. When does Caputo have his first realization of someone trying to kill him?

9. What mistake happens when they fire a three-point-five at the sniper who got Sullivan?

10. Describe the Ruff-Puff's activity around the Beau Geste watchtowers.

(see the answer keys)

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