A Rumor of War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rumor of War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do they have to grenade the VC trap twice?
(a) The trap is uncommonly huge.
(b) The first two are in the wrong place.
(c) They just want to double check.
(d) The first grenades are duds.

2. What tale does Colonel Nickerson love to recount?
(a) D-Day in Europe
(b) The taking of Phan Moon Jan
(c) His days at Quantico
(d) The landing at Guadalcanal

3. At night on the line, what does everything look like?
(a) Phosphorescent
(b) Like a scary movie set
(c) Various shades of black
(d) Like VC soldier marching toward the line

4. Who is Elmer Fudd at division HQ?
(a) A pet monkey captured in the jungle.
(b) The bald headed Lt. Colonel Executive Officer for Colonel Wheeler.
(c) The cartoon mascot of the division HQ.
(d) The chief cook at the officers' mess.

5. In reality, how much time per day does the adjutant work require?
(a) Two hours in the mornings
(b) Six to eight hours per day
(c) Three or four hours
(d) At least ten hours a day

6. What is a consistent reminder of the casualties of war.
(a) Announcements made over the PA system daily
(b) The faces one misses in the mess hall
(c) The Medivac helicopters flying back and forth in the dripping sky
(d) The number of body bags brought in each week

7. What happens during Caputo's first night as assistant adjutant?
(a) He has dreams of Sullivan and the dead VC.
(b) The base HQ comes under fire.
(c) The mosquitoes swarm outside his tent.
(d) The big guns fire all night and he cannot sleep.

8. Who issues ID cards to the Vietnamese?
(a) The head man of each Vietnamese village
(b) The US Embassy in Saigon
(c) The provencial governments in the country
(d) Official ones by the Vietnamese government and forged ones by the VC.

9. What happens to a large number of the platoon down in a paddy?
(a) They get bogged down in the mud and have to fire from there.
(b) They step into a quicksand bog.
(c) They take a wrong turn and get lost in some elephant grass.
(d) A homemade Claymore is tripped and there are nine casualties.

10. What warning does Caputo receive after the destruction at Ha Na?
(a) He will have to stay on the front line if he cannot control his platoon.
(b) He may be facing a serious reprimand if it happens again.
(c) He is risking his men when he lets them turn savage like that.
(d) He will be relieved of command if anything like this happens again.

11. What exhilarates Caputo after the Hoi-Vuc village wipe out?
(a) The prospect of a medal
(b) The perfect way his platoon has performed.
(c) The close combat with the remaining VC
(d) The congratulations from his men

12. What comes by belatedly as Caputo watches?
(a) A convoy of Marines pulling howitzers
(b) A line of foot soldiers carrying bazookas
(c) A battalion of riot police
(d) A convoy of generals

13. Who has noticed the relaxed camp arrangements and tries to correct them?
(a) Maj-Gen Lew Walt
(b) Captain Johnson
(c) Phil Caputo
(d) Colonel Anderson

14. During the summer, how is life for the Vietnamese peasants?
(a) It is filled with apprehension about the VC.
(b) It is busy transplanting people to another area of the country.
(c) It is dead with no one working in the paddies.
(d) It is life as usual, working in the rice paddies.

15. What are WIAs and KIAs?
(a) Types of weapons used at short range
(b) Wounded in Action and Killed in Action
(c) War Insurgent Actions and Korean Involvement Accounting
(d) Korean made cars used in Vietnam

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Colonel Nickerson's interest during this time?

2. What are SLJOs?

3. Why is Caputo angry that Crowe and his men do not bring in the suspected VC?

4. How much of the base does Caputo say has escaped the damage?

5. What is the only advantage the platoon has over the VC at Hoi-Vuc?

(see the answer keys)

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