Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. On the Saturday Ralston gets trapped, what does he plan to check out during the hike?
2. What does Ralston do to conserve his water supply on his hike out?
3. What does Ralston discover when he pokes his pinned thumb?
4. What stops Brad and Leah from going to the Saturday party?
5. By what time is the first helicopter on the lookout for Ralston?
Short Essay Questions
1. Other than taste, what other factors does Ralston have to consider when deciding on whether to drink his urine?
2. What is the feeling and mood of Ralston's trances?
3. How does Ralston survive a night outside in a whiteout storm?
4. What does Leona sense about Ralston's current situation from Boulder?
5. How does Steve Patchett help with the search from New Mexico?
6. As time continues in the canyon, what does Ralston's water supply mean to him?
7. What is Elliot's role in the search for Ralston?
8. What characteristics of Ralston returns once safe in the helicopter and hospital?
9. If Ralston knows how to successfully amputate his arm days earlier, does the outcome be the same or different? How come?
10. What does Ralston realize about his arm that causes him to panic and wildly thrash around trying to free himself?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Research near death experiences. Choose one and compare and contrast the person's life before and after the event. Then compare and contrast their changes to Ralston's changes. Are there similarities and differences amongst people who experience near deaths?
Essay Topic 2
Compare at least five stories Ralston tells of his past climbs. What patterns are seen in Ralston's behavior? His decisions? His climb selections? How he deals with each situation?
Essay Topic 3
Ralston refers himself as an Aspen local as opposed to the richer tourists that come through Colorado for the winter season. There is a separation of classes that are dependent on each other, yet they each feel elite in their own groups. Describe where Ralston stands and why he feels the way he does.
This section contains 1,112 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |