A Rock and a Hard Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Aron Ralston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rock and a Hard Place Test | Final Test - Medium

Aron Ralston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do you describe Ralston's personality?
(a) Spiritual and emotional.
(b) Technical and rational.
(c) Emotionally adventurous.
(d) Spontaneous but shy.

2. On the way to the party, what stops the two hikers from going?
(a) They have an early morning the next day.
(b) They cannot find a place to sleep close to the party.
(c) Their van gets a flat tire.
(d) They cannot find the party.

3. What large piece of information is missing from searching for Ralston's vehicle effectively?
(a) The make of the vehicle.
(b) The year of the vehicle.
(c) The model of the vehicle.
(d) The correct license plate number.

4. Once free from the chockstone, what is on Ralston's mind?
(a) Hike out as soon as possible.
(b) Rest to restore energy for his hike out.
(c) Get to water as soon as possible.
(d) Go to the bathroom.

5. How does Ralston sometimes enter another world in his trances?
(a) He is lifted in flight with a guide in white.
(b) The chockstone lifts itself, exposing another world on the other side.
(c) The canyon wall opens up to another plane.
(d) He feels himself falling to another plane.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although Ralston talks to the camera about recovery costs, what dominates Ralston's thoughts much of the time?

2. Who is the original Aspen Police contact Brian and Mrs. Ralston work with to find Ralston?

3. What is the name of the national park Ralston gets trapped in?

4. What unusual act does Ralston try with his lip balm?

5. What does Ralston dub his new goal after finishing all the fourteeners in Colorado during summertime?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Emery County know to send a helicopter even before they find Ralston?

2. Summarize the two hikers' weekend after they leave Ralston in the canyon, right before his entrapment. Note the circumstances that affects the timing of Ralston's rescue.

3. Sleepless in the canyon, Ralston is reminded of what other occasion in his life and why?

4. What happens after the amputation that eventually leads Ralston to the helicopter?

5. According to Ralston's perspective, what is happening to time?

6. What is the feeling and mood of Ralston's trances?

7. If Ralston knows how to successfully amputate his arm days earlier, does the outcome be the same or different? How come?

8. What does Ralston realize about his arm that causes him to panic and wildly thrash around trying to free himself?

9. What is Ralston's agenda between leaving his house on Spruce Street on Thursday and the Saturday he becomes trapped in the canyon?

10. Other than taste, what other factors does Ralston have to consider when deciding on whether to drink his urine?

(see the answer keys)

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