A Rock and a Hard Place Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Aron Ralston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rock and a Hard Place Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Aron Ralston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5 "Day Two: Failing Options".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Conserving water, how often does Ralston takes sips in the beginning of his entrapment?
(a) Every two hours.
(b) Every 90 minutes.
(c) Once an hour.
(d) After each successful flake is chipped away.

2. Of the listed items, which is found in Ralston's pack?
(a) An emergency blanket.
(b) A folding knife.
(c) An emergency candle.
(d) A multi-tool.

3. After the near drowning incident, what does Ralston share with Sonja that night?
(a) Ralston reports how he no longer wants to solo climb.
(b) Ralston confides his fear of dying in the river.
(c) S'mores.
(d) Ralston states that it is the coolest thing he's ever done.

4. During a hike at Havasupai Canyon, what happens to Ralston near Beaver Falls?
(a) Falls into prickly-pear cacti.
(b) Falls into the river and almost drowns.
(c) Swims into a beaver lodge and encounters angry tenants.
(d) Trips over the edge of a log dam and falls into nearby cacti.

5. Where is Ralston's first backpacking trip?
(a) Rocky Mountain National Park.
(b) Glacier National Park.
(c) Grand Teton National Park.
(d) Yosemite National Park.

Short Answer Questions

1. One of the hikers mentions that the pictures in the book "Canyon Hiking Guide to the Colorado Plateau" look like what?

2. What does Ralston realize about his pinned limb?

3. Ralston decides to amputate his limb. What does he first use to try to make a tourniquet?

4. Who is the region in which Ralston is trapped named after?

5. What is the name of the first "fourteener" Ralston climbs with his friend?

(see the answer key)

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