A Rock and a Hard Place Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Aron Ralston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Rock and a Hard Place Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Aron Ralston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 14 "Homing In: "We Have His Truck".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Previously, Ralston asks for guidance and direction to understand why he is in this situation. However, by day four, Ralston prays for what?
(a) Patience to "see this through".
(b) His parents' understanding of his adventurous lifestyle.
(c) An angel to help free him from the chockstone.
(d) Leona to report him missing earlier than what he believes is reasonable.

2. Indian Ed is suspected to go to what state after the gang's separation?
(a) New Mexico.
(b) Texas.
(c) Oklahoma.
(d) Wyoming.

3. What do the mosquitoes indicate to Ralston?
(a) There is water nearby.
(b) There is carrion nearby.
(c) It's summer and though cold at night, he may not likely die from hypothermia.
(d) His body odor is getting stronger and attracting them.

4. What does Ralston imagine hell to be like?
(a) Despair wrapped in loneliness.
(b) A fiery cell with close, yet so far away, images of friends and family.
(c) A lonely, empty, cavernous room with no sleep.
(d) A cold, desolate desert where warmth is a faint star far away.

5. Despite missing Ralston at the trailhead, the two hikers figure they see Ralston again at a party. Where is the party?
(a) Moab.
(b) Boulder, Colorado.
(c) Granary Spring Trailhead.
(d) Goblin Valley.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ralston do with his urine before he sips on it?

2. What is one example of Ralston's resourcefulness to keep warm?

3. What disease does Betty contract as a child?

4. During the weekend Ralston gets trapped, where does he originally plan to go?

5. Ralston's first trance describes him going through what?

(see the answer key)

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