A Ring of Endless Light Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Ring of Endless Light Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Vicky angry with Zachary on the way to the airport?
(a) He is yelling at her.
(b) He is driving too fast.
(c) He is saying he is going to kill himself again.
(d) He is making unkind gestures to people in other vehicles.

2. How does Adam feel about the morning with the dolphins?
(a) Excited.
(b) Pleased.
(c) Unhappy.
(d) Confused.

3. Where does Vicky have trouble feeling completely relaxed?
(a) With Leo.
(b) On the dance floor.
(c) With Adam.
(d) In the cockpit with Zachary.

4. Of what do Norberta and Njord's singing sounds remind Vicky?
(a) Sounds she heard once while sitting alone in the woods.
(b) What she imagined angels sound like when she was a child.
(c) Her mother singing to her as a baby.
(d) Basil's alleluias.

5. What does Grandfather question Vicky about concerning Zachary?
(a) If he seems any better.
(b) If he is dangerous to himself.
(c) If he is still laying his burdens one her.
(d) If he is sincere in wanting to be around Vicky.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adam do with Suzy the next day?

2. Why are Adam and Vicky happy when they go check on the dolphins?

3. Who is Cornelius Codd?

4. What does Vicky do when the family is singing after dinner?

5. What does Leo tell Vicky when he comes out to the waiting room?

(see the answer keys)

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