A Ring of Endless Light Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Ring of Endless Light Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Vicky think Adam treats her?
(a) Condescendingly.
(b) Like a little sister.
(c) Like a child.
(d) Distractedly.

2. What puts Vicky in a better mood?
(a) Fixing Grandfather some lunch.
(b) Writing a story.
(c) Napping.
(d) Talking to Adam on the phone.

3. What does John say probably happened with Adam?
(a) He felt attracted to Vicky.
(b) He was afraid of getting John mad.
(c) He felt a little jealous about Vicky and Basil.
(d) He was distracted about Una.

4. About what does Vicky talk to Zachary's flight instructor?
(a) The mechanics of how a plane flies.
(b) If birds think planes are big birds.
(c) The instructor's war experiences.
(d) Whether Zachary is emotionally suitable to fly a plane.

5. For what does Vicky's family go down to the cove?
(a) To watch a skiing show.
(b) A picnic.
(c) To watch Basil.
(d) To fly kites.

6. About what does John question Vicky?
(a) She and Adam.
(b) Leo.
(c) Basil.
(d) Zachary.

7. What does Suzy say she feels about Vicky?
(a) Suzy is awed by Vicky's abilities.
(b) Suzy hates Vicky.
(c) Suzy is jealous of Vicky's popularity.
(d) Suzy feels put down by Vicky.

8. For what does Adam say he was once responsible?
(a) His brother's paralyzed legs.
(b) His mother's divorce.
(c) His cousin's loss of his left arm.
(d) Someone's death.

9. Why is Vicky angry with Zachary on the way to the airport?
(a) He is driving too fast.
(b) He is making unkind gestures to people in other vehicles.
(c) He is saying he is going to kill himself again.
(d) He is yelling at her.

10. How does Adam feel about the morning with the dolphins?
(a) Pleased.
(b) Confused.
(c) Excited.
(d) Unhappy.

11. What does Adam decline to do at the end of the day?
(a) Go with Vicky to the mainland.
(b) Go in the tank with the whales.
(c) Leave Una alone.
(d) Come over for dinner.

12. Why does Adam think Basil connected to Vicky quickly?
(a) Because she has blue eyes.
(b) Because wild dolphins connect quickly with children.
(c) Because she is female.
(d) Because she was willing to swim out to meet Basil.

13. Why does Njord's mother splash Vicky?
(a) As if to admonish Vicky.
(b) To scare a shark that was near Vicky.
(c) To play.
(d) To show her where to look out for a jelly fish.

14. Why does Vicky start screaming internally in the emergency room?
(a) Her grandfather has died.
(b) Zachary kills himself in the parking lot.
(c) Robin dies in Vicky's arms.
(d) She can sense there is something wrong with Norberta's baby.

15. For what does Vicky apologize to Suzy?
(a) Refusing to help her with some make up.
(b) Making fun of a drawing she did.
(c) Not spending time with her that summer yet.
(d) Making fun of her new outfit.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was after what Adam had?

2. What does Vicky do when the family is singing after dinner?

3. What does Adam do with Suzy the next day?

4. What game does Zachary play as he is driving?

5. What does the note say that Suzy leaves for Vicky at home?

(see the answer keys)

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