A Respectable Trade Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Respectable Trade Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Josiah say would happen to their income if slavery was banned?
(a) They would lose everything.
(b) They would profit since slaves would be at a premium.
(c) They would break even.
(d) They would be set for life.

2. At the end of Chapter 18, why does Josiah come home drunk and happy?
(a) They are now debt free.
(b) His ship Lily came in.
(c) He was asked to be a member of the Merchant Venturers.
(d) Frances is pregnant.

3. When Mehuru fetches Dr. Hadley, what smell overpowers them in Queens Square?
(a) Tomatoes.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Sewage.
(d) Rum.

4. How much is Frances willing to pay towards James's funeral?
(a) She will pay half the expense.
(b) She will pay for only a pauper funeral.
(c) She decides against paying anything.
(d) She will pay all expenses.

5. What does Frances reveal to Mehuru when they converse in her bedroom?
(a) Elizabeth is sick.
(b) Franes is divorcing Josiah.
(c) Mehuru has been sold for 110 guineas.
(d) Mehuru is free.

6. What advice does Josiah seek from Frances?
(a) Advice about Sir Charles.
(b) How to handle his sister.
(c) What he should invest in next.
(d) Advice on what to do with the Hot Well.

7. When Frances and Mehuru are talking in her room, what does Mehuru ask for?
(a) A wage.
(b) Clothes.
(c) A wedding.
(d) Freedom.

8. What begins to consume Josiah's thoughts?
(a) Mr Warings' buiness dealings.
(b) When The Rose will return.
(c) Sarah's financial issues.
(d) Frances' affair.

9. In Chapter 27, what news does Mehuru and Dr. Hadley receive about the abolition movement?
(a) Slaves are free.
(b) Slavery will continue.
(c) Slaves wil receive land.
(d) None. they didn't vote.

10. In Chapter 28, what does Mehuru find out after reading Lord Scott's letter?
(a) Slavery is alive and strong.
(b) Slavery will soon be abolished.
(c) Slaves are uprising in London.
(d) Slave importation is on hold.

11. Where does Dr. Hadley suggest Frances should live for health reasons?
(a) Clifton.
(b) London.
(c) The country.
(d) Africa.

12. What has happened to Frances at the end of the novel?
(a) She stays with Josiah as his dutiful wife.
(b) After Frances births Mehuru's son, she dies.
(c) She and Mehuru are able to escape.
(d) She moves back to live with Lord Scott.

13. Why wasn't John Bates still watching the slaves?
(a) Josiah found out about the rape.
(b) The slaves no longer tried to escape.
(c) Frances fired him.
(d) he was killed.

14. What disease does Dr. Hadley think the little boy, John, might have?
(a) Chicken Pox.
(b) Typhoid.
(c) Polio.
(d) AIDS.

15. What does Josiah realize when he visits the Hot Well?
(a) The manager chases away customers.
(b) His buusiness is thriving.
(c) Business is down.
(d) It's under construction.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has happened to the ship, The Rose, at the end of the novel?

2. What do Mehuru and Frances discover when they go for a carriage ride?

3. In Lord Scott's letter to Frances, who does he say is a good acquaintance to have?

4. What does Josiah take away from Sarah?

5. In Chapter 23, what does Caesar tell Mehuru that causes Mehuru to become emotional?

(see the answer keys)

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