A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who/What is on the train for which Ralph is waiting?
(a) A shipment of furniture.
(b) A shipment of boots.
(c) His son.
(d) His mail order bride.

2. What did Ralph tell Antonio about his mother?
(a) She broke her neck in a fall.
(b) She drowned.
(c) She died in a fire.
(d) She moved back to Italy.

3. What bothers Catherine about her plan to get rid of Ralph now?
(a) Her conscience is starting to bother her.
(b) She has fallen in love with him.
(c) She could not bear being imprisoned if caught.
(d) It will be more difficult if there is a son in the picture.

4. Ralph's mother told him that he was born ____________________.
(a) Wicked.
(b) Too soon.
(c) Handsome.
(d) Brilliant.

5. What is Antonio wearing during the time Catherine and the investigators meet with him?
(a) A t-shirt and pants.
(b) A three-piece suit.
(c) A red silk robe.
(d) A tuxedo.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what state does the novel take place?

2. What is the hotel where Catherine stays in St. Louis?

3. Catherine says that she learned how to stitch wounds by __________________________.

4. What does Catherine constantly imagine herself doing?

5. What does Ralph's head hit when he is tossed from the carriage?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the theme of isolation repeated as Catherine takes note of her new surroundings?

2. What does Truitt tell Catherine about his life with Emilia and the house he built for her?

3. What is the one expectation that Truitt has of Catherine by sending her to St. Louis?

4. How does Catherine maintain a low profile in St. Louis even though she is excited by being in the city?

5. Describe the scenario where Catherine observes Antonio in the restaurant.

6. What do the secret garden and the Italian house symbolize?

7. What is the significance of the phrases, "It happens," or, "These things happen" which appear throughout the novel?

8. What internal conflict does a youthful Truitt experience during his days of debauchery in Europe?

9. Why is the author's description of the weather so critical to the book?

10. What significance does the loss of Catherine's jewelry serve symbolically and as an element of foreshadowing?

(see the answer keys)

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