A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Reliable Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Goolrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Catherine constantly imagine herself doing?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Smoking.
(c) Drinking.
(d) Skiing.

2. What does Catherine sew into the hem of her dress?
(a) Jewelry.
(b) A photograph.
(c) A letter.
(d) Money.

3. The diamond ring that Ralph gave Catherine looked like which type of flower?
(a) Daisy.
(b) Iris.
(c) Rose.
(d) Tulip.

4. Who was Ralph's brother?
(a) Andrew.
(b) Edward.
(c) Charles.
(d) Michael.

5. How does Catherine first want to see Antonio?
(a) She wants to observe him at dinner.
(b) She wants him to come to her room.
(c) She wants to go to where he works.
(d) She wants to go to his hotel room.

6. How does Ralph express his longing for Catherine?
(a) He gropes her.
(b) He writes poetry.
(c) He buys her things.
(d) He sings to her.

7. Which of the following is NOT something that now shows on Ralph's face?
(a) Loneliness.
(b) Hope.
(c) Need.
(d) Desperation.

8. What is Catherine's plan for after she gets all of Ralph's money?
(a) Stay with him until he dies.
(b) Run away with a young lover.
(c) Travel the world.
(d) Open a hospital.

9. Catherine notes that there are no _________________ in Ralph's house.
(a) Statues.
(b) Bells.
(c) Books.
(d) Dishes.

10. Where have detectives found Antonio after he has been gone for years?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) St. Louis.
(d) Minneapolis.

11. What had Ralph done when he caught Emilia and her lover together?
(a) Whipped the man.
(b) Nearly beat the man to death.
(c) Shot the man.
(d) Shot Emilia.

12. What is Catherine's cousin's name?
(a) India.
(b) Cecile.
(c) Aimee.
(d) Eileen.

13. Ralph strives hard to maintain an appearance of ___________________.
(a) Humility.
(b) Piety.
(c) Compassion.
(d) Strength.

14. What is Catherine's state of mind as she waits for Ralph to get better?
(a) Content.
(b) Bored.
(c) Sad.
(d) Anxious.

15. What does Mr. Larsen do to keep Ralph from falling unconscious again?
(a) He yells at him.
(b) He slaps him.
(c) He walks him.
(d) He splashes cold water on him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What topic does Catherine research in the library in St. Louis?

2. What color is the small bottle that Catherine pays attention to while unpacking?

3. Antonio says that his real family lives in what city?

4. How old was Emilia when Ralph met her?

5. Catherine answered an ad which Ralph placed in which he stated he was looking for _____________________.

(see the answer keys)

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